Tally 7.2 does not work in Vista. Why ???

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I have a laptop with Windows Vista as the OS. I am not able to run Tally 7.2 on it. Not even after changing the compatibility mode to Windows XP/98. Please suggest me some solution as this is very important for me.
hey rak_007 i did read some where on teh internet that 7.2 doesnt work on Vista no matter what you do and i did read that after upgrading the Tally to 9.0(not sure about the version) it works on Vista,give me some time i will help you out ,me at work now let me ask my manager will get the ans by 11 AM today ,btb i work for Microsoft Vista Networking BPO.. moved out of Dell Some time back
Its working flawlessly in my machine.

Vista Ultimate 32bit

Tally ies 7.2 Release 1.41

Try running in compatibility mode XP SP2, but at my end it works without this.

Must be someother issue.

Also I've tried converting the data to v9.0, It converts but gives quite a few error's... all the data doesn't get converted properly

here you could give it a shot, remember to backup the data folder before. ApniTally: Data migration from Tally 4.5 to Tally 7.2: Free Help for Users of Tally Accounting Software
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