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G@d of w@r

hey guys.
im in need of this game Tamagotchi handheld pet video games..
if anyone has hands on about where it is available do let me know asap.
searching since many months :(
"Tamagotchi handheld pet video games.."

^^^^^^^^^^^ see up..
always keep ur eyes open with specs on. i dont want to goodle. i just need handheld tamagotchi like they are found on Tamagotchi Connections
i used to have some 5-6 years back bought 2 pieces but lost both of them cause of my brother. now im unable to find it. can anyone find it or help me if they saw these somewhere?
thanks for the link. but dont ever comment just read it properly. i clearly specified Handheld ..
but i need handheld video game :( hope to get help.
i had one last time .. found it a bit annoying so got rid of it (literally) dunno if you'll be able to find one now
buy a DSLite and the immensely popular nintendogs game

i guess its the most popular tamagotchi game in a long time

read gamespot's review of nintendogs for details
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