tata indicom autologin query.

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stormblast said:
if u can give me the pagesource for the tata weblogin page i can get the script made from my friend.

If your using tata wimax , i ve written my own autologin application here is the link:

Removed. check out next thread for new update.

its a simple app that keeps u login forever. as long as tata servers aren't down or ur lan connection dosnt need to be repaired. everything is simple and clear. just go to setting window and save ur username and pass and domain .

Here is my new update, if u have installed the old one , uninstall it first then install the new one.link:
<check the attachment>

working greate on XP, on vista in order to get it to work, after installing go to the app folder, right click on tataAutoLoginApp.exe file , properties, in compatibilty tab choose "run as administrator" checkbox.

send me your feedbacks plz.

24 May 2009: I ve update the application to version 1.7.8 ,
if u ve got pervious installations remove it and install this one.

it runs even smoother,
popup windows removed,
features added.
interval set related bugs removed.
ability to detect incorrect username and password and if there is no net connectivity.
Check below link for fastest latest version (version 2). (different completely!)



thanx mate for the info even i'd been loooking forward for sumthing like this cos if im dowbnloading a big file and the connection is lost in between i just feel so betrayed
ryanrulez4ever said:
thanx mate for the info even i'd been loooking forward for sumthing like this cos if im dowbnloading a big file and the connection is lost in between i just feel so betrayed

ur welcome , check out my above post for new update(1.7.8). i guess it 's final version.

dont forget to post if found any bug.

Check below link for fastest latest version (version 2). (different completely!)

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