Tata Indicom Users - Mumbai


Hey, saw this thread by someone using MTNL about setting up a lan and realised that I am already on TATA Indicom's LAN. (I have a direct ethernet cable running from them to me.)

I am on
Gateway -
Subnet Mask -

If someone else is on the same gateway, subnet mask, lets see if we can connect using LAN while not using up our internet usage. I have a time based plan so haven't gamed online yet. If this works, I can. :)

PS: When I was using exatt in my area, I used the same gateway. So not just TATA, exatt may work too I guess.
I am on TataIndicom gateway

How can we connect to other users on the same gateway? I tried using IP Messenger etc. but could not see any users.. Pls enlighten me how can I connect to users in my gateway... :S