I've got a Tata Photon+ USB that I've been trying to use with my lappy from yesterday.
Although the signal strength shows > 90% (usually around 94-100) I still see that when downloading files the speed fluctuates a lot usually starts at 120-130+ kBps and then goes down (even as low as 2kBps) after which it climbs back after some time to stay around 30-40 kBps.
Really cant figure out why this is happening even though the signal strength is obviously very good.
Does anyone know if there is some way to improve these speeds?
I've got a Tata Photon+ USB that I've been trying to use with my lappy from yesterday.
Although the signal strength shows > 90% (usually around 94-100) I still see that when downloading files the speed fluctuates a lot usually starts at 120-130+ kBps and then goes down (even as low as 2kBps) after which it climbs back after some time to stay around 30-40 kBps.
Really cant figure out why this is happening even though the signal strength is obviously very good.
Does anyone know if there is some way to improve these speeds?