TataIndicom Broadband Overcharging

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I have NU 2Mbps plan for which i pay 1000Rs/month. It has 1.5GB day data usage/month. But this month they charged me 4100Rs ! I'm sure I have not crossed 1.5GB limit and even bill doesn't mention the extra charge in under day data usage. I tried to convince cc but they dont seem to understand and keep telling me about tht I've crossed the data usage limit.


For free 1.5gb they deduct 1500Rs equivalent cash from the total usage and if exceeded they add the amount , and night 8pm to 8am usage is free as per the UL Plan. What should I do now ?
My eyes almost popped out of my socket when I saw 1,77,841 :O. Anyways for bill payment issues don't waste ur time with cc people, immediately ask them to transfer your call to a nodal officer. He'll be able to help you better.

If not, ask the CC people to send a representative to your place to discuss the bill problems .....
I think you will have to haggle with them a lot, ask them for the usage records and what not. Or else better way is login to TATA Indicom site and check your usage statistics, calculate the usage and send them an email with the numbers. Then call up the CC and tell them to check your email.

I don't even wanna think what my bill wud've looked like if I wudve had a postpaid connection. :bleh:
Ask them you no more requires their service & thus connect your call to Nodal Officer. Hope will work.
That's why I got the unlimited plan and not the NU plan. No hassles in that one.

According to them my downloads are worth 2.75L :P
I checked my detailed day usage, and and it has indeed exceeded the limits. Problem is, according to detailed call records I have used ~3GB in day on 3rd of june, but i wasn't even at home at that time they specified (Was in the college) and I'm sure my PC was off during tht day. I've emailed the Nodal officer and his first response was lame. It said " As the discount limit was enhanced in day usage the bill generation amount is high for this Invoice."

I've emailed him back tht I know why its high but I dont know how did it happen when my PC was off !


which is your plan ?? how much does it cost ??

I think I got to search for alternatives. I cant afford to pay for the service which I have not used :-/
abhifusion said:
~3GB in day on 3rd of june, but i wasn't even at home at that time they specified (Was in the college) and I'm sure my PC was off during tht day.

Which is why I have a script that shuts off my laptop at 9 AM and I have a neurotic WiFi password which is very hard to guess :bleh: My modem is set to dial on demand and disconnect if no activity observed for 5 mins.
The same.happened.with..they charged me when i was at office..but the story does not end.. there . For time period of about 1 hr. theey chargrd me twice... with slightly different timing...


which plan u r using...?
How much it costs yoy..?
djmykey said:
Which is why I have a script that shuts off my laptop at 9 AM and I have a neurotic WiFi password which is very hard to guess :bleh: My modem is set to dial on demand and disconnect if no activity observed for 5 mins.
I have windows gadget which automatically shut off the PC, I have set it at 7.45 AM... Also utorrent is scheduled, so it wont download anything during day... Wifi Passkey is also quite strong ! Yet to try dial on demand thingi, but seems it wont matter as I wont be continuing with this ISP anymore :@
Do you have to login into your TATA BB account before you can access the internet? If so, then there a good chance that your account is compromised and someone else has misused it.

Also, you can ask TATA to see if they have mac address information of the computer that accessed the internet.
^ Nope, its nailed up connection... I dont have to log in ...
PS: Tataindicom have temporarily suspended my connection, since i have crossed credit limit ... plz suggest me some good UL plans without FUP ... bdget is around 1k-1.3k per month ...
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