I have NU 2Mbps plan for which i pay 1000Rs/month. It has 1.5GB day data usage/month. But this month they charged me 4100Rs ! I'm sure I have not crossed 1.5GB limit and even bill doesn't mention the extra charge in under day data usage. I tried to convince cc but they dont seem to understand and keep telling me about tht I've crossed the data usage limit.
For free 1.5gb they deduct 1500Rs equivalent cash from the total usage and if exceeded they add the amount , and night 8pm to 8am usage is free as per the UL Plan. What should I do now ?

For free 1.5gb they deduct 1500Rs equivalent cash from the total usage and if exceeded they add the amount , and night 8pm to 8am usage is free as per the UL Plan. What should I do now ?