** TE Exclusive - Gaming Rig Configs May 2005 **
- Compiled by Switch
There are a lot of these floating around and a lot of threads about the same. With the best of my knowledge i am trying to put the best of the parts available in the country with the approximate prices.
CPU / Processor : AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (939 Pins)
Motherboard : ASUS A8N-E
Memory / RAM : Transcend 1 GB DDR 400 (512MB x 2)
Graphics / Video Card : Radeon X800XL PCIe / GeForce 6800 Gt PCIe
Hard Drive : 160 Gig Sata
Monitor : 19" Samsung 997 DF
Power Supply / SMPS : Antec TP 430 / 480 Watts
Input Devices:
Logitech MX310 Mouse
Logitech Spill Resistant Keyboard
Motherboard : A8N-SLI
CPU / Processor : AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (939 Pins)
Motherboard : ASUS A8N-E
Memory / RAM : Transcend 1 GB DDR 400 (512MB x 2)
Graphics / Video Card : XFX GeForce 6600GT PCIe
Hard Drive : 160 Gig Sata
Monitor : 17" Viewsonic/Samsung
Power Supply / SMPS : Powersafe 400 Watts
Input Devices:
Logitech Optical Duo Black
CPU / Processor : AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (939 Pins)
Motherboard : MSI RS480M2
Memory / RAM : Transcend 512MB DDR 400 (256MB x 2)
Hard Drive : 120 Gig Sata
Monitor : 17" Viewsonic/Samsung
Power Supply / SMPS : Powersafe 400 Watts
Input Devices:
Logitech Cordless Optical Combo
Optical Drives:
I havent included the optical drives as it is your personal decision whether you want to go in for a DVD writer or a DVD Rom. Personally i dont feel a need for a DVD writer but it depends person to person. But a DVD Optical drive is a must in any of the above configs and DVD's are the new standards now.
(for a quick reference, have a look at the Optical Drive Guide by TechHead)
And about the cabby well again i am suggesting none here cause i have not got any first hand experience on a good cabby. Me looking for one too. Hope to find it soon. If you are looking for something cheap look for the Zebronics lava Good cabby. Something expensive would include the Antec's or Cooler Masters. Something which is VFM then VIP sever case.
For the choice of speakers i will recommend none cause i own a creative and i havent tried any of the Altec Lansing, so no comments there either. But keep in mind one thing for gaming go for surround speakers. A 4.1 set is a minimum must but for a low end config i would suggest a good 2.1 set like the Altec Lansing ATP 3.
I have included a 19" monitor in the High end config because there is no point running a high end card when your monitor cant support high resolutions like 1600x1200 and vice-versa for the Value gaming config.
The (Approx)prices for the above mentioned parts are as follows:
1. Guide Posted by Switch, Direct all Reps his way
2. Post your comments in THIS thread
- Compiled by Switch
There are a lot of these floating around and a lot of threads about the same. With the best of my knowledge i am trying to put the best of the parts available in the country with the approximate prices.
High End Gaming Config
CPU / Processor : AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (939 Pins)
Motherboard : ASUS A8N-E
Memory / RAM : Transcend 1 GB DDR 400 (512MB x 2)
Graphics / Video Card : Radeon X800XL PCIe / GeForce 6800 Gt PCIe
Hard Drive : 160 Gig Sata
Monitor : 19" Samsung 997 DF
Power Supply / SMPS : Antec TP 430 / 480 Watts
Input Devices:
Logitech MX310 Mouse
Logitech Spill Resistant Keyboard
Motherboard : A8N-SLI
Value Gaming Config
CPU / Processor : AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (939 Pins)
Motherboard : ASUS A8N-E
Memory / RAM : Transcend 1 GB DDR 400 (512MB x 2)
Graphics / Video Card : XFX GeForce 6600GT PCIe
Hard Drive : 160 Gig Sata
Monitor : 17" Viewsonic/Samsung
Power Supply / SMPS : Powersafe 400 Watts
Input Devices:
Logitech Optical Duo Black
Budget Config for Casual Gaming
CPU / Processor : AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (939 Pins)
Motherboard : MSI RS480M2
Memory / RAM : Transcend 512MB DDR 400 (256MB x 2)
Hard Drive : 120 Gig Sata
Monitor : 17" Viewsonic/Samsung
Power Supply / SMPS : Powersafe 400 Watts
Input Devices:
Logitech Cordless Optical Combo
Optical Drives:
I havent included the optical drives as it is your personal decision whether you want to go in for a DVD writer or a DVD Rom. Personally i dont feel a need for a DVD writer but it depends person to person. But a DVD Optical drive is a must in any of the above configs and DVD's are the new standards now.
(for a quick reference, have a look at the Optical Drive Guide by TechHead)
And about the cabby well again i am suggesting none here cause i have not got any first hand experience on a good cabby. Me looking for one too. Hope to find it soon. If you are looking for something cheap look for the Zebronics lava Good cabby. Something expensive would include the Antec's or Cooler Masters. Something which is VFM then VIP sever case.
For the choice of speakers i will recommend none cause i own a creative and i havent tried any of the Altec Lansing, so no comments there either. But keep in mind one thing for gaming go for surround speakers. A 4.1 set is a minimum must but for a low end config i would suggest a good 2.1 set like the Altec Lansing ATP 3.
I have included a 19" monitor in the High end config because there is no point running a high end card when your monitor cant support high resolutions like 1600x1200 and vice-versa for the Value gaming config.
The (Approx)prices for the above mentioned parts are as follows:
- AMD Athlon 64 3200+ - Rs.9250/-
- ASUS A8N-E - Rs.9100/-
- MSI RS480M2 - Rs.6500/-
- Transcend 1 GB DDR400 512MB x 2 - Rs.6600/-
- Trancsend 512MB DDR 400 256MB x 2 - Rs.3400/-
- Radeon X800XL PCIe - Rs.19000/-
- XFX GeForce 6600GT PCIe - Rs.10500/-
- 160GB Hard Drive SATA - Rs.4300/-
- 19" Samsung 997 DF Monitor - Rs.12500/-
- 17" Viewsonic/Samsung Monitor - Rs.7500/-
- Antec TP 430 W - Rs.4400/-
- Antec TP 480 W - Rs.4500/-
- Powersafe 400 Watts - Rs.1700/-
- Logitech MX310 Mouse - Rs.2200/-
- Logitech Spill Resistant Keyboard - Rs.350/-
- Logitech Optical Duo Black - Rs.950/-
- Logitech Cordless Optical Combo - Rs.2800/-
1. Guide Posted by Switch, Direct all Reps his way

2. Post your comments in THIS thread