TE members in love, post if the following is true or not ?

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XTerminator said:
All rights reserved...Saiyan 2006
hehehhee.... : d e v i l : j/k
all rights and nights reserved!!!!! .... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

its an old thing , came in email... but some of it is really true.. you really gotta be a luv struck nut to know those feelings, mentioned in nikhil's post!
and esp if its pure love and not lust!! :D

Where is this topic headed..

I though about all of this..

And its different for every1, we cant come to a conclusion :P, ever :P.
Iam just bored.....Let me fill up something...

1. Guys don't actually look after good-looking girls. they prefer neat and presentable girls.
Yes, True...I hv had crushes on sm unattractive but nice elegant women...

2. Guys hate flirts.
Yes. I hate them.

3.When a guy says he doesn't understand you, it simply means you're not thinking the way he is.

4. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about .
Yes, Thats me...

5. When a guy really likes you, he'll disregard all your bad characteristics.
Spot on.

6. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
Oh yeah...

7. Guys will do anything just to get the girl's attention.
Ummm not me....Iam the shy one lol.

8. When you touch a guy's heart, there's no turning back.

9. When a girl says "no", a guy hears it as "try again tomorrow".... so true.
Partially true...

10. You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the message clearly.
Not always.

11. Guys love their moms.

12. A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.

13. A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn't mean that the guy likes her.
Cant relate to this...

14. You can never understand him unless you listen to him.

15. If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.
Not a general rule...

16. Beware. Guys can make gossips scatter through half of the face of the earth faster than girls can.
they do make it dirty...

17. Like Eve, girls are guys' weaknesses.

18. Guys are very open about themselves.
Yes, compared to women...

19. It's good to test a guy first before you believe him. But don't let him wait that long.

20. Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.

21. Guys really admire girls that they like even if they're not that much pretty.

22. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice..very true.

23. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
Thats not me...dont know

24. Guys keep secrets that girls tell them.

25. Guys think too much.

26. Guys fantasies are unlimited.

27. Girls' height doesn't really matter to a guy but her weight does! ... very true.
Yes, unless the girl is below 5ft...

28. Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!!!

29. Guys are more talkative than girls are especially when the topic is about girls.

30. You can truly say that a guy has good intentions if you see him praying sometimes.
Maybe...thats me

31. If a guy says you're beautiful, that guy likes you.
Not necessarily ofcourse

32. Guys hate girls who overreact.
Yes, I do

33. Guys love you more than you love them IF they are serious in your relationships. Doesn't this all make sense?
NIkhil .. I dont want anything except a call from you inviting me in ur marriage party or w.e. i really feel like hoping around if i miss a party :P so i'm enlisting my name before even the event is decide .. :P
btw some r true some not depends on position , place time and person.like say while listening rock i wudnt mind a tomato fight but again a dot on my shirt in party i wud go crazy over :P.
now we all know whom nikhil loves.. now all you fellas go back to the first post and read it all over again keeping that person in mind and then predict the success percentage for the couple.
:console:Feelin very bad 4 u Nikhil........[poor guy trapped again]

C'mon guys spare him..............Rogue.
Ren, if you are referring to who I think you are, then this is not applicable at all. It says Guys and Girls....... not G... and G... !!~!!
Ok Nikhil, if you don't own up ASAP, that means :

1. Your posting love stories on a male dominated website

2. You do not have any affections towards a person of the opposite sex.

Adding EQns (1) & (2),

Do the math yourself :rofl:
awwww poor old nikhil bhai! spare him people..... all he did was post something which yall should bookmark and compare when your in love/you get a gal/boy.. ;)

and for those who already are .. then they should support nikhil in posting a good thread :bleh:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dont worry guys..... when I do get a girlfriend, I will tell you all...... :lol:

sheesh.... am 20 guys... and enjoying my life.... :P ...
there is another way to look at it!!

*your 20?? huh?? 20? and you dont got a gf? wth.. you doing with life?? your so sad that you have to post mushy mushy threads, just so that you feel happy, since you cant otherwise causeyou dont have a gf* sheesh!!!!

what man!! :bleh:
Aditya said:
^^ :rofl: :rofl:

Spare him man..

Maybe hes too ugly for an girl to like him :P... j/k.. :P...
:rofl: :rofl: Good one!!!

Though I am far from being called Handsome, what you say isnt really true :P ....
@aditya.. look whose talking!! :bleh: .. j/k ... :bleh:

aww poor you nikhil.. dont ya worry bro... someone somewhere might come along and be yours forever! *not talking abt comp h/w* :bleh:
@DD :rofl:

Seen you, and i doubt youll get any1 :bleh:. ... j/k :P

This has become more of an insult each other thread :P. Lol.

@chic, seen you, How dont u have one? :O... Lol :rofl: j/k.. :P
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