DarkAngel said:Will put one up after the HD6xxx launch which will happen in a few days.
Will put up the nov 2010 guide in 3-4 days Just thought of waiting for the 2nd lot of HD6xxx prices as launch prices conversion was little steep. But anyways will put up the guide with current prices.ggt said:let the ATI 6 series come to market, we sure will get a new buying guide
Aces, thanks for the compliements. Ya will put up a new guide on a quaterly basis.Aces170 said:Darkangel, you are doing some great work here. If its not an additional task can you prepare a PC guide quarterly (if no changes then just copy paste previous quarter rigs). Also if Google docs are a better fit you can use those, and share it with people who can help you update it.
Waiting eagerly for the latest PC Buying Guide !!!!!DarkAngel said:Will put up the nov 2010 guide in 3-4 days Just thought of waiting for the 2nd lot of HD6xxx prices as launch prices conversion was little steep. But anyways will put up the guide with current prices.