TE PC Buying Guide July 2010

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@DA, a quick question where did u find the MSI P55-GD65 for 7.x cus techshop.in has it for 9.x? any insight?
@ Thread Starter, When specifying High End gaming Rig or Workstation, Include SSD for System Drive because now professionals use it. I have one in my Office, too pricy for home yet .

It would be better if you guys also start a laptop Buying advice with current prices of all laptops
That would be really great
ggt said:
let the ATI 6 series come to market, we sure will get a new buying guide :)
Will put up the nov 2010 guide in 3-4 days :) Just thought of waiting for the 2nd lot of HD6xxx prices as launch prices conversion was little steep. But anyways will put up the guide with current prices.
Darkangel, you are doing some great work here. If its not an additional task can you prepare a PC guide quarterly (if no changes then just copy paste previous quarter rigs). Also if Google docs are a better fit you can use those, and share it with people who can help you update it.
Aces170 said:
Darkangel, you are doing some great work here. If its not an additional task can you prepare a PC guide quarterly (if no changes then just copy paste previous quarter rigs). Also if Google docs are a better fit you can use those, and share it with people who can help you update it.
Aces, thanks for the compliements. Ya will put up a new guide on a quaterly basis.
Regarding the Google Docs, i havent used it extensively. Will try to get used to it in the diwali hols and come up with a google doc for the guide :)
DarkAngel said:
Will put up the nov 2010 guide in 3-4 days :) Just thought of waiting for the 2nd lot of HD6xxx prices as launch prices conversion was little steep. But anyways will put up the guide with current prices.
Waiting eagerly for the latest PC Buying Guide !!!!!
Great Work by DarkAngel. :clap:
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