AMD Athlon II X3: Affordable Compromise | silentpcreview.comJPushkarH said:off Topic
I recently (12-Apr) bought AMD Athlon II X3 440 (Rs.3300) + Gigabyte GA-880GM-UD2H (Rs.4300) + Corsair 2GB DDRIII 1333MHz VS2GB1333D3 G (Rs.1050/1200) from lamington road.
I wonder what is idle CPU Temperature ? & fan speed ?
I found w/o doing any oc Just running as is i found my CPU temperature is 55 deg C @ 6250 rpm. Very Noisy.
No.s are from BIOS as well from HW monitor. mostly identical.
Don't think ok ?
or should dump stock cooler & go for something else ... Any Suggestion ..
Also put up a thread in CPU+Mobo section or PM l33t. Lots of people have the same combo in TE and they can chip in with their temps.