TE Server Rules and Members list

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Some Rules to be followed by members on the TE CSS server

  1. No Slandering
  2. No Porn sprays
  3. No Racism
  4. No Hacking on server

Anybody found violating the Rules will be instantly banned from the server.
TE CSS Server Rules for paying members:

  • The members are supposed to pay by the 7th of every month.
  • Out of Ten members, Five will be given Admin access.
  • Within those Five, Two members will be given the SSH and FTP access.
  • The members would be chosen by unanimous voting.
  • Access to Admin/FTP/SSH will be revoked if misused.
  • No permanent ban's for TE members before discussing with other Admins.
  • All the paying members will get Admin rights on a turn basis system.
Heres the list of the TE members who are supporting the server.

1) Switch (Finance Manager)

2) Smith

3) Sandy

4) Funky

5) Deejay

6) Tifosi

7) Systemic Anamoly

8) Darthcoder


Revisions will be done as and when there are changes in the members.
Here is what has been decided upon finally...

Full/Advanced Admin Access will be granted to following members:





Sahil aka Wolfff

FTP and SSH Access will be granted to following members:


Sahil aka Wolfff


Normal Admin Access will be granted to following members:



Systemic Anamoly

Also Karan will have full access to the Server.
Payments for the month of April has been received by me from all the outstation members. It will be transffered to Andee/SGWarsGames by today or tomorrow.
This is a reminder to all the server supporting members that the due date is just two days away(7th of May 2006). Kindly see to it that payments are deposited on time. And please PM me or SMS me as soon as you deposit the payments.
This is a reminder to all the server supporting members that the due date is over for depositing payments. Kindly see to it that payments are deposited asap. And please PM me or SMS me as soon as you deposit the payments.

Note: Last month i didnt receive payments from two memebers. I request those members to get in touch with me.
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