Technical encyclopedia?


i'm perusing technical education (B.Tech) and i along with some other friends have organized this quiz competition for every branch n decided to give Technical encyclopedia cd/dvd as consolation prize, but we aren't able to find it here locally.

i want to know where i can get such cd's or dvd's.we r also considering pdf files bur aren't actually able to find it, can u pls tell us where to look for.....

Thank you
Did you search Flipkart or the local stores (Landmark?) if they have the Britannica Encyclopedia DVDs? How do you intend to give .pdfs as prizes? I mean they can easily be sourced off the web so it wouldn't be a good idea IMO.
Give the cheapest pendrive with some free pdfs. Dont bother with CD/DVD.

If you dont want to stretch the budget then only opt for CD/DVD.