techtree reviews wp7.very funny, must read.

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Metalspree said:
How do u even call that a review or a article :@ :@. Dammit i wasted 5 mins of my life.

Oh come on, it was a good 7 minutes of timepass and laughs for me!

"Life is short, make the most of it" :P :P :P
I am an iPhone 4 user & it's UI rocks & it is no way near to Metro UI. Metro UI sucks !

^typical iTard :P Though I am an iOS user, I am totally impressed by Metro UI. It is really good, liked more than my iOS 4 and Gingerbread :)

and regarding review, please add a warning in the OP, all doesn't like wasting time reading fanboi stuffs :bleh:
Why are they trying so hard to copy Engadgets writing style and in the process completely destroy what is essentially a fantastic phone?
Guys, enough with the nerd-rage. It's not a serious review.

It was funny to a point, but the writer just runs the joke too far and it ends up being unfunny.
urssriks said:
Wasted 8 precious minutes of my life reading this idoitic review.

5 minutes wasted reading the stupid review, then a minute reading the comments here, and then a whole 30 seconds trying to figure out your avatar, was waiting for him to run/jump after climbing all those floors.......:rofl:
err, I mentioned in
my op that it is not a review per se.I also mentioned that it was more of a humourous article then anything else
What else do you expect when you open techtree ?

The other reviewer commenting - Nachiket says - "I cant verify if the comments pointing out the mistakes are true."

Dear retard, the internet still exists.
It is not worth to be called as a Review... Definitely Not worth discussing over too...
TE has many reviewers 10000x better than this and I prefer them to these..
Techtree has proved itself...
Sumit05 said:
Which is best tech2 or techtree ?

Metalspree said:
The answer is Techenclave, both the sites you mentioned are dumb.

Amen to that, Techenclave>techtree>=tech2

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Sei said:

:rofl: btw who is the guy in the pic?

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never mind, found him: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
He is Iran pm, ahmedanajad
Btw was the thread moved to general?
Hehe techtree staff will really hate to see it there. :-) :-) :-) :-)
Party Monger said:
The other reviewer commenting - Nachiket says - "I cant verify if the comments pointing out the mistakes are true."
Dear retard, the internet still exists.

Dear retard,

Firstly, you have misquoted me. The original quote being: "Since I haven't reviewed the phone or played around with it enough, I am in no position to verify the content of the response you speak of, and I therefore cannot comment upon it. The reviewer is the best person to ask in this case."

Secondly, did you just ask me to verify a second-hand opinion with other second-hand opinions foraged from the Internet? I only wish there was a way to show you the irony in that. The correct way to verify the review is to get hold of the phone and see it for yourself. Since the product had been taken back by the PR agency, I couldn't do that.

I don't know what your SOPs are, but I prefer to verify things myself than using second-hand views gleaned from the Internet. I believe, any self-respecting reviewer / journalist should do the same.
andreophile said:
Dear retard,

Firstly, you have misquoted me. The original quote being: "Since I haven't reviewed the phone or played around with it enough, I am in no position to verify the content of the response you speak of, and I therefore cannot comment upon it. The reviewer is the best person to ask in this case."

Secondly, did you just ask me to verify a second-hand opinion with other second-hand opinions foraged from the Internet? I only wish there was a way to show you the irony in that. The correct way to verify the review is to get hold of the phone and see it for yourself. Since the product had been taken back by the PR agency, I couldn't do that.

I don't know what your SOPs are, but I prefer to verify things myself than using second-hand views gleaned from the Internet. I believe, any self-respecting reviewer / journalist should do the same.

andreophile I respectfully request you to not disturb the free flow of jibes with your properly articulated and logical reasoning. This not only belittles our crass humor but also forces us to behave like educated adults on the internet. This kind of behavior is strictly condoned by the majority of us and simply put -

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