Thanks for the info.:hap2: My id is nightwing892001 on Steam too.Sei said:^ Yeah, no problem.. There is always the option of adding servers through the internet tab in the servers list but there another option.
Firstly add some indian guys.. if you go through the threads here you will find lots of steam nicks.. You can add me siddharth1986 for starters. Add more people through me.
Here are some IPs to get you started - - Starhub TF2 server #2 - Starhub TF2 server pl4ever - Starhub TF2 server golddust4ever
Normally someone is always playing on one of these servers.
Keep adding friends, you will get more IPs which you can add to your favorites. Not being able to see the V-Street server IP as of now.. :S
Anything else?
It's been a long time since I used to spend time after school playing CS in Iways and my fingers were aching.hyeah: