TF2 Haiku

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SharekhaN said:
I thought of this while I was working in office today,

Rocket Hits

Sandvich in pocket

Om nom nom




@audioslave: Not much into haiku's i guess?
look out for sheru

he is going to respawn

and feed you all lead


haiku's are 5-7-5, not 3-5-3

Haiku (俳句, haikai verse?) Haiku.ogg listen (help·info), plural haiku, is a form of Japanese poetry, consisting of 17 moras (or on), in three metrical phrases of 5, 7, and 5 moras respectively
I thought they can be smaller as well. Even as short as this


^ this is what is called a cirku or a circular haiku. lulz.

And the rules what you mention Nuke, are for proper Japanese language Haiku. The typical length of haiku appearing in the main English-language journals is 10–14 syllables and few have a syllabically symmetrical line arrangement such as 5-7-5 or 3-5-3.

-You know where I got the info from :P

This is another one I made now, I hope this is ok in terms of 5-7-5 :)

Sniper far away

Scoped in to hunt his target

Cold knife down his back
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