TF2 pings to Starhub and E-club from BSNL and TATA?

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Hey guys,
am considering ditching airtel(i guess a lot of people are!) but needed to know what are the pings to the Starhub and E-club servers from BSNL and TATA. Can anyone who is using either BSNL or TATA please let me know the pings?

Thanks in advance :)
^^^BSNL sucks, though I am not sure personally but shady always curses BSNL in his nick and has frequent ping and disconnection problem.
On BSNL Ahmedabad it was 250+ before so i switched to Airtel....Now airtel is giving 200... :rofl: dunno what to do..
^^^Pings have gone up considerably for all ISPs in India, they go down in the night is what I have heard, playing tf2 is becoming harder by the day....
thebanik said:
^^^Pings have gone up considerably for all ISPs in India, they go down in the night is what I have heard, playing tf2 is becoming harder by the day....

not for reliance. it's always been 100-120 to starhub.

as for the question.. from ahmedabad bsnl pings 100-120 to starhub. from bombay, tata used to ping 60-70. these are the pings my friends get, not sure how it will be from your location but it's perfectly playable.
Rave said:
under 100 for me from hyd, so shud be a little less for u using TATA

Alright thanks. Which plan are you on?

ronnie_gogs said:
On BSNL Ahmedabad it was 250+ before so i switched to Airtel....Now airtel is giving 200... :rofl: dunno what to do..

Yea airtel also has pings of 200-300 in the day to starhub but at night it goes back to normal <100.
spindoctor said:
not for reliance. it's always been 100-120 to starhub.

as for the question.. from ahmedabad bsnl pings 100-120 to starhub. from bombay, tata used to ping 60-70. these are the pings my friends get, not sure how it will be from your location but it's perfectly playable.

Thanks a bunch. Which reliance connection do you have, wimax?
doesnt matter which plan i am on, i get the same on all the places in hyd running different plans

am on the 384kbps plan though
I also use Reliance 400kbps wired.

Day time I get 110 - 130 on all Starhub, Gamesync and Eclub servers and get 140-170 on European servers, upto 200 on USA, AUS, France, etc servers.

At night its 20-30 less then daytime pings.
90-110 from BSNL Ahmedabad.
Thanks to everyone :) Sticking with airtel for a while though(guess a month), but if theres no changes its bye bye airtel
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