TF2 Server List Problem

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servers are not showing up in servers list in tf2 i even tried disabling my fire wall and reinstalling the game nothing works please help:huh: thx in advance
no it is not i tried the server list shown in steam it says no servers responded to the query someone please help
well my filter settings are fine and how do i check if my ports are open i uninstalledthe firewall it was fine till yesterday this problem suddenly started happening
google for checking whether ur ports are blocked or not. Also check if ur internet explorer is in offline mode. I had problems with some softwares when the internet explorer is in offline mode.
Wipe your HDD, reinstall Windows then reinstall Steam :D that should work ;) all jokes aside, you should try backing up TF2 then uninstall Steam and then reinstall TF2 from the backup. I know, Uninstalling Steam is a pain, but at this point, you don't have any other option.
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