The Android Problem: Version & Hardware Fragmenting

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There's lots of hope that Android will come up with an answer to the iPhone, but its not that simple and the way Android is setup as an open platform means devs have to support lots of platforms out there, Being open might actually also be its biggest handicap. It makes developing apps for Android a great deal harder compared to what the iPhone devs have.

The Android Problem: Version & Hardware Fragmenting

From the user's perspective I heard if customers want to get a more uptodate Android OS they likely have to get a better phone (!) because you can't just go downloading the latest & greatest when its out but have to get your handset vendor's customised version. They would rather sell you a new phone than support older models with the latest Android version. They could promise you they will work on it but it can be a while if at all. Some are better than others but it still leaves a bad taste.

In short I don't think the iPhone is going to be challenged for some time yet, if you've got an iPhone then you've a good investment :)
^ I've not read the article you have given, but I'm pretty sure that's the same thing with iPhone. From 2G to 3G to 3GS and now a 4G. Every time a new phone.

Now I agree that the hardware specs changed, but if you want more functionality, the hardware has to be upgraded. You can't expect to play Crysis on your old P4 machine just by getting a new OS.
^ Actually it's not a same thing. Although I agree that with every new iteration of iPhone it's inevitable that there is going to be hardware fragmentation, but in case of Android it's going to a be a lot.

Just think about it as Windows vs. Mac OS X. The only difference is, that you can't download Android and install on your phone as easy as downloading and installing Windows. And as said correctly, developing apps is lot more harder than PCs because the nature of hardware (screen sizes, processors button layouts etc.).

The first victim of iPhone hardware fragmentation is going to be iPhone 2G and to some extent iPhone 3G, where some features of new OS either can't run or can't run optimally on given hardware. But seriously, even on iPhone OS 3.x, the 2G is showing it's age and who wouldn't want to upgrade their handset (which is now almost 3+ years old). I'm using mine since over 3 years now and so far it's been the best 12k I have spent on a phone (I bought iPhone 2G, 4GB version when it was being discontinued and 8GB and 16GB were introduced... about 3-4 months after the iPhone's launch). I'm pretty sure that the next purchase will last me in similar manner, so yes, at least for me iPhone is a solid investment.
Best way for this is to use minor and major releases.

The best examples are be

Galaxy / Spica

Hero / Legend

It will be great if the handset manufacturers keep up with the pace at which Android releases are happening. It's bad to see that HTC Hero is still on 1.5 when Legend with very similar specs is running 2.1.

If the manufacturers are too afraid that people won't buy their phones, they should know that the same buyers go to XDA for cooked ROMs.

One stat that can make devleopers happy is that just 20-25% are using 1.5
iGo said:
Just think about it as Windows vs. Mac OS X. The only difference is, that you can't download Android and install on your phone as easy as downloading and installing Windows.
Absolutely spot on!

This is exactly why many apps and devices are more stable on OS X than windows. You need to test for probably 20 different hardware configuration while for Windows there are literally infinite different setups.

I have a very strong feeling Android is going to end up like another WinMO unless Google controls hardware specs.
Anish said:
Absolutely spot on!

This is exactly why many apps and devices are more stable on OS X than windows. You need to test for probably 20 different hardware configuration while for Windows there are literally infinite different setups.

I have a very strong feeling Android is going to end up like another WinMO unless Google controls hardware specs.

h/w configuration is not a major issue IMO.

Most of the devices have 3.2" or 3.7" displays with 320x480 or 480x800 resolutions. And processor too is not a concern here. Also, Android being a java OS, we should be least worried about h/w dependency and platform. there are many apps in Nokia Ovi store that work on different kind of phones (from 5230 to N97) and in same way, making an app work on different types of phones shouldn't be a concern. When an OS is available for any manufacturer, this happens and is unavoidable. That is the reason an alliance is made, to make sure that handset makers and app developers go in one direction.

The problem here is with manufacturers not releasing upgrades in time. They are least concerned about the released phones. Just few bug fixes here and there is what they are doing.
iGo said:
^ Actually it's not a same thing. Although I agree that with every new iteration of iPhone it's inevitable that there is going to be hardware fragmentation, but in case of Android it's going to a be a lot.

Just think about it as Windows vs. Mac OS X. The only difference is, that you can't download Android and install on your phone as easy as downloading and installing Windows. And as said correctly, developing apps is lot more harder than PCs because the nature of hardware (screen sizes, processors button layouts etc.).

There is a difference between being able to install and being able to use it with the same comfort as your previous OS. I'm sure even if you installed Vista on a P4 machine with integrated graphics, it will not run as smooth as the XP you had previously.

I do agree that the amount of fragmentation is going to be a lot more in Android, but I think that it is an advantage. Let me explain.

The initial phones released with Android OS did not have as smooth as interface as an iPhone. But, due to companies rapidly embracing the Android OS platform, things have started changing already. Just have a look at the HTC EVO 4G or HTC Droid Incredible. The interface is so fluid and smooth. And the functionality offered by Android is absolutely amazing.

Even at the lower end of the spectrum, Samsung Spica (which I bought recently) offers more functionality than some of the expensive priced phones. Capacitive touch screen, 800MHz processor, Android 2.1 etc. For 12k, you cannot ask for more.

Coming to the iPhone, another fact which I like is that there is no monopoly when it comes to Android. The HTC Sense UI coupled with Android looks really beautiful (HTC Incredible and HTC EVO 4G). Other manufacturers like Dell are also coming with their own modified versions of Android this year. You get a choice instead of the same interface of iPhone in all 3 versions.

Anish said:
Absolutely spot on!

This is exactly why many apps and devices are more stable on OS X than windows. You need to test for probably 20 different hardware configuration while for Windows there are literally infinite different setups.

I have a very strong feeling Android is going to end up like another WinMO unless Google controls hardware specs.

Totally agree. And they can even take a leaf out of MS's book. Windows Phone 7 already has a set of prerequisites that have to be present before a manufacturer can release a phone with it as the OS.
Sei said:
^ I've not read the article you have given.
You should its no apple FUD but from a pro-Android source. He's articulated the problem pretty well.

Sei said:
There is a difference between being able to install and being able to use it with the same comfort as your previous OS. I'm sure even if you installed Vista on a P4 machine with integrated graphics, it will not run as smooth as the XP you had previously.
Actually no, at least Vista will run maybe slowly but in the case of Android it will not work at all unless your handset vendor customises it and that's really -if- they even bother.

Sei said:
The initial phones released with Android OS did not have as smooth as interface as an iPhone. But, due to companies rapidly embracing the Android OS platform, things have started changing already. Just have a look at the HTC EVO 4G or HTC Droid Incredible. The interface is so fluid and smooth. And the functionality offered by Android is absolutely amazing.

Even at the lower end of the spectrum, Samsung Spica (which I bought recently) offers more functionality than some of the expensive priced phones. Capacitive touch screen, 800MHz processor, Android 2.1 etc. For 12k, you cannot ask for more.
So if you were developing apps for the Android platform, how would reconcile the differences between the two different phones here. You'd need to take that into consideration wouldn't you.

The interesting analogy in apple land here, if its applicable is, apps that work great on the iPhone might not on the iPad.

Again problem with the high end is they may or may not include new stuff, and it does not even have to be all that revolutionary an improvement. You're still stuck with the OS you bought the phone with which is not exactly cheap.

I think iPhone recently allowed its users a free download of the upcoming OS version.

Sei said:
Totally agree. And they can even take a leaf out of MS's book. Windows Phone 7 already has a set of prerequisites that have to be present before a manufacturer can release a phone with it as the OS.
That would be better than the current situation with Android as it makes development easier to do.
Here are few points in no particular order that would augment the discussion going on here:

1. Google cannot "control" the hw specs of android phones (well.. kinda). This is because android is open and anyone is free to take it and put it on their platform. What they can't do is distribute google apps and some such other closed stuff without google's permission. If you do want to enable your phone with "google experience", you need to get google's approval which is still kind of non-rigid in terms of specs but yeah there is a basic minimal set..

2. The fragmentation issue is already being addressed by google, in terms of upcoming froyo and then gingerbread. A lot of stuff will be decoupled from the main OS allowing the phone vendors to integrate any new versions into their phones quickly. Not exactly turn-key but still it would require a very minor fraction of the effort as compared to what is needed right now.

3. As much as you'd like to think that this situtation is same as mac vs windows, it is not. This is because most of the apps are being written in java which takes care of a lot of nitty-gritties in terms of hw differences and also Google engineers are constantly working on creating APIs in the SDk that should allow easier app development by not forcing the developer to take care of every possible permutation/combination.
blr_p said:
You should its no apple FUD but from a pro-Android source. He's articulated the problem pretty well.

Actually that was my previous post. I had read the post before replying the second time.

blr_p said:
Actually no, at least Vista will run maybe slowly but in the case of Android it will not work at all unless your handset vendor customises it and that's really -if- they even bother.

So if you were developing apps for the Android platform, how would reconcile the differences between the two different phones here. You'd need to take that into consideration wouldn't you.

Umm, you are talking about maybe a handful of apps. Majority of the apps released are for Android, not for Spica or EVO 4G. Just take a look at market and tell me whether they mention the model anywhere or just the Android OS version? (My question is rhetorical, they don't mention the model anywhere).

Of course there are apps specially made for Nexus One or Sense UI (HTC), but that's the same case in Apple app store. If you take a look in the Apple AppStore, you'll notice that some apps run only for the latest versions of the iPhone OS. Some are even 2G/3G specific.

blr_p said:
Again problem with the high end is they may or may not include new stuff, and it does not even have to be all that revolutionary an improvement. You're still stuck with the OS you bought the phone with which is not exactly cheap.

The biggest advantage of Android over the iPhone OS is the possibility of being able to use the OS on a cheaper device. Purchasing an iPhone is not possible for everyone. Think about it. Even 20k wouldn't help you buy a new iPhone and there are 3 or more phones with Android under that range. Of course, it's not as if Apple wants everyone to be able to buy an iPhone.

Even Microsoft recognizes this. If you read the news, Microsoft has laid out some guidelines regarding the prerequisites for phone makers if they want Windows Phone 7 OS in their devices. Pretty high-end specs. The devices adhering to these specs would naturally be costly. Microsoft then came out with a second set of specs, which would enable cheaper handsets to be released in the market (mainly for markets like India) providing more or less the same experience.

blr_p said:
I think iPhone recently allowed its users a free download of the upcoming OS version.

Are you talking about the iPhone OS 4.0 SDK? Isn't that meant only for the developers?
Sei said:
Umm, you are talking about maybe a handful of apps. Majority of the apps released are for Android, not for Spica or EVO 4G. Just take a look at market and tell me whether they mention the model anywhere or just the Android OS version? (My question is rhetorical, they don't mention the model anywhere).
They mention the Android OS version, if you do not have the right one you are sol.

Sei said:
Of course there are apps specially made for Nexus One or Sense UI (HTC), but that's the same case in Apple app store. If you take a look in the Apple AppStore, you'll notice that some apps run only for the latest versions of the iPhone OS. Some are even 2G/3G specific.
Is it fair to say the difference between nexus one or sense UI is the same as iPhone 2G/3G ?

The difference between 2G & 3G iPhone is a vertical one whereas between the nexus 1 & sense UI its a horzontal one. This is another example of fragmentation.

You get vendors that will make a phone and then have to write custom extensions in Android for that phone. You will get apps written for it that might not work on another because of these enhanced or unique capabilities.

Sei said:
The biggest advantage of Android over the iPhone OS is the possibility of being able to use the OS on a cheaper device. Purchasing an iPhone is not possible for everyone. Think about it. Even 20k wouldn't help you buy a new iPhone and there are 3 or more phones with Android under that range. Of course, it's not as if Apple wants everyone to be able to buy an iPhone.
This I can agree with if its the lower end that drives the platform a larger share vs the high end. The cheaper phones will defnitely benefit from an improvement here. Android will prolly have a larger market share in the future because of this. And you will start to hear how there are so many more Android phones over iPhones.

But the reason i posted this was because many times its heard that Android will be able to challenge iPhone. I don't believe that will happen for some time if at all given the fragmentation. I think say five years from now the iPhone will still have an edge over an Android phone.

Sei said:
TIf you read the news, Microsoft has laid out some guidelines regarding the prerequisites for phone makers if they want Windows Phone 7 OS in their devices. Pretty high-end specs. The devices adhering to these specs would naturally be costly. Microsoft then came out with a second set of specs, which would enable cheaper handsets to be released in the market (mainly for markets like India) providing more or less the same experience.
Does Android have anything similar in this regard ?

Not possible as shantanugoel mentioned in his first point.
Sei said:
Are you talking about the iPhone OS 4.0 SDK? Isn't that meant only for the developers?
No, if you bought the HTC Dream (the Google G1) which was released on October 22, 2008, you are still stuck on Android 1.6. To move to a newer version, you have to buy a new phone. This was true even while you were still almost certainly under contract with your provider, so buying a new phone wasn't a simple matter, even if you wanted to.

If you bought the Apple iPhone 3G, which was released a few months earlier on July 11, 2008, you can be (and usually are) running the current iPhone OS 3.1.3, and will still get a free and immediate update to 4.0 when it ships. You might not always get all the new features, but you get bug fixes, improvements to the browser, Application compatibility, and all the other stuff.

shantanugoel said:
2. The fragmentation issue is already being addressed by google, in terms of upcoming froyo and then gingerbread. A lot of stuff will be decoupled from the main OS allowing the phone vendors to integrate any new versions into their phones quickly. Not exactly turn-key but still it would require a very minor fraction of the effort as compared to what is needed right now.
This sounds promising, lets see how it goes. Maybe Android will be out of its current teething stage. At least this way users might more easily access the latest (point) improvements in Android.
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