How much do we, the 20 somethings, the teenagers or for that matter most other Indians know about India's history from the 40s onwards?
Precious little is the answer....
India after Gandhi (By Ramchandra Guha) attempts to address this void and beautifully so...It's more captivating than the best fiction I have read.
200 pages through this 650+ page brilliantly researched and amazingly well presented book, I thought of letting fellow TE members know that if they have any pretenses of being well informed and well read cosmopolitan citizens of this nation, this book is a must read!
The book may be marginally (though very little) colored by Ramchandra Guha's patriotism towards his country (obviously so), it nevertheless presents the most balanced and comprehensive account of India's history in the latter part of the 20th century....
Let me pause here...I am not trying to write a book review...Just that I couldn't help gushing about it....
Thoroughly recommended and completely worth every single paisa spent on it though
Precious little is the answer....
India after Gandhi (By Ramchandra Guha) attempts to address this void and beautifully so...It's more captivating than the best fiction I have read.
200 pages through this 650+ page brilliantly researched and amazingly well presented book, I thought of letting fellow TE members know that if they have any pretenses of being well informed and well read cosmopolitan citizens of this nation, this book is a must read!
The book may be marginally (though very little) colored by Ramchandra Guha's patriotism towards his country (obviously so), it nevertheless presents the most balanced and comprehensive account of India's history in the latter part of the 20th century....
Let me pause here...I am not trying to write a book review...Just that I couldn't help gushing about it....
Thoroughly recommended and completely worth every single paisa spent on it though