The book you are reading..........

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Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture
by Richard C. Detmer ;)
Life, the universe and evrything is not the last book. It is only the third.
Fourth = So long and thanks for all the fish
Fifth = Mostly harmless
Yeah apparently just saw that at the library I have read So long and thanks for all the fish before. So the last book is yet left.. Had enough of Douglas Adams for the time being am on John Grisham = The Broker, a good John grisham novel.
Oh, Ok.
Still, I find that the subject is best left to third year, tho many universities think otherwise.
It is better to do a course on assembly language and support chips first. Anyway, I would recommend William Stallings for the same subject, but it depends on your syllabus.

Cuurently reading - Advanced 80386 Programming Techniques by James Turley.
Never read an international publication with so many mistakes in it.
KingKrool said:
Oh, Ok.
Still, I find that the subject is best left to third year, tho many universities think otherwise.
It is better to do a course on assembly language and support chips first. Anyway, I would recommend William Stallings for the same subject, but it depends on your syllabus.

Cuurently reading - Advanced 80386 Programming Techniques by James Turley.
Never read an international publication with so many mistakes in it.

At our place computer organization is taught in the second sem along with data structures :).
heh...really like to read that book :D IRQ, DMA, all intresting :D

having Introduction to 8086, Ajay Kumar ray as well :ohyeah:

any suggestions for FAFL?? already hav Peter Linz, but its awfully small...
What is FAFL? Expansion pls.
Ok switching to Software Engineering - Roger S Pressman (am going to commit suicide)

EDIT: Finite Automata and formal Languages?
Hahahahha good luck.
Hopcroft,Ullman,Motwani is good, but frankly u shud stick to local books for that... cos the examples in most of these foreign books aren't worth the paper they are printed on. They will be of no use in the all important examinations.
KingKrool said:
What is FAFL? Expansion pls.
Ok switching to Software Engineering - Roger S Pressman (am going to commit suicide)
That book is a big joke :P. Its written like one big story book with no real story :P. Too bad its still the book used in most places for teaching SE.
yeah... Finite Automata And Formal Languages...

hehehe...attended only 3-4 out of 20 classes, xpectin 2-3 out of 25 in 2st interns in FAFL :P

so..hopcroft Ullman it is....
hehehe...attended only 3-4 out of 20 classes, xpectin 2-3 out of 25 in 2st interns in FAFL

Try and beat me, attended 6/186 for the whole academic year :P

Reading nothing at the moment, but need to get one soon :)
~HeadShot~ said:
I am reading my English 10th Std. Textbook! :P
English n Social Studies is quite competent over there in Gujarat.

BTW im reading The DA VINCI CODE by Dan Brown n BHAGWAD GITA by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada founder of ISCKON
Aces170 said:
Yeah apparently just saw that at the library I have read So long and thanks for all the fish before. So the last book is yet left.. Had enough of Douglas Adams for the time being am on John Grisham = The Broker, a good John grisham novel.

I found The Broker really boring. :no: . If u really want the best of grisham try The Runaway Jury.
funkymonkey said:
So guys what book you are reading, does anyone read the book here? :P
I am at the moment reading The one wil all ten years, FRIENDS collector's edition which i just bought.

Was planning to buy this for a while, had to buy it being a die hard FRIENDS fan.
Will read it slowly as i get time.

Woh! I need that book. Btw wot is it about? Not the scripts of all the episodes i hope. I have them in e-version :cool2:
funkymonkey said:
So guys what book you are reading, does anyone read the book here? :P
I am at the moment reading The one wil all ten years, FRIENDS collector's edition which i just bought.

Was planning to buy this for a while, had to buy it being a die hard FRIENDS fan.
Will read it slowly as i get time.

Woh! I need that book. Btw wot is it about? Not the scripts of all the episodes i hope. I have them in e-version :cool2: already.
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