K Kumar Forerunner Mar 14, 2008 #225 Looks like an OSX skin on XP. What did you use to get the effects?
Q Quad Master Herald Mar 14, 2008 #226 Punjab234 - What dock are u using there , i am trying to find a dock which can do that for yrs.
M mehargags Contributor Mar 14, 2008 #227 Quad Master said: Punjab234 - What dock are u using there , i am trying to find a dock which can do that for yrs. Click to expand... Try RK Launcher very smooth, & light weight on operation
Quad Master said: Punjab234 - What dock are u using there , i am trying to find a dock which can do that for yrs. Click to expand... Try RK Launcher very smooth, & light weight on operation
Q Quad Master Herald Mar 14, 2008 #228 RK Launcher has folder support like that. ?? I didnt knew that. ?
S SidhuScorpion Herald Mar 14, 2008 #230 Its Rocket Dock with ALLMOST LEAPORD skin and STACKS DOCKLET (Effect). Its Windows Blinds 6.0 with NOIRE theme, Stardock Icon Packager with FOOTURE Icon Package. Mac OSX Cursors. Y'z Shadows. For more see this guide - mac os x leopard xp on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Reactions: 1 person
Its Rocket Dock with ALLMOST LEAPORD skin and STACKS DOCKLET (Effect). Its Windows Blinds 6.0 with NOIRE theme, Stardock Icon Packager with FOOTURE Icon Package. Mac OSX Cursors. Y'z Shadows. For more see this guide - mac os x leopard xp on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
S SidhuScorpion Herald Mar 14, 2008 #231 Download - http://matias.securityconsultant.com.ar/StackDocklet-preview.zip Install: Unzip to this folder: C:\Program files\RocketDock\Docklets Or the corresponding docklets folder of your dock. Now you should see a StackDocklet subfolder inside the Docklets folder. Usage: Right click on dock, select Add Item, then Stack Docklet. Right click on the new icon, select Icon Settings... . Choose folder, and some nice looking icon. Click OK, now click the icon and enjoy ;-) Kumar said: Yes how do you get the stack thingy? Click to expand... Reactions: 1 person
Download - http://matias.securityconsultant.com.ar/StackDocklet-preview.zip Install: Unzip to this folder: C:\Program files\RocketDock\Docklets Or the corresponding docklets folder of your dock. Now you should see a StackDocklet subfolder inside the Docklets folder. Usage: Right click on dock, select Add Item, then Stack Docklet. Right click on the new icon, select Icon Settings... . Choose folder, and some nice looking icon. Click OK, now click the icon and enjoy ;-) Kumar said: Yes how do you get the stack thingy? Click to expand...
K Kumar Forerunner Mar 14, 2008 #232 Awesome dude...been using rocket dock for quiet some time but did not know this thing existed! Repped you! Me got this working thanks! Preview - Stacks Docklet - Aqua-Soft Forums
Awesome dude...been using rocket dock for quiet some time but did not know this thing existed! Repped you! Me got this working thanks! Preview - Stacks Docklet - Aqua-Soft Forums
Q Quad Master Herald Mar 14, 2008 #233 doesn't work with object dock it seems. is there any similar thing for object dock. also where can i find similar docklets.
doesn't work with object dock it seems. is there any similar thing for object dock. also where can i find similar docklets.
P p_sam21 Discoverer Mar 21, 2008 #237 nice clean look. howz this :cool2: http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/1193/newbitmapimagenv2.jpg