The "Everyday" show-off thread !

Bhutoria_1989 said:
I was just about to comment that the pic is not upto ViKiD's quality :P

Awww common... ill post better quality pics soon.

btw. Big FREAKING THANKS to @spacescreamer for helping me setup this thing, and for lending me a few games! :D

Kudos to you bro! :D
Bhutoria_1989 said:
Need Advise on this as its my first electric shaver...

^^ Sorry to spoil your spirit but that electric shaver is a dud... :(

I have used it for about a week and the sheer time required to get a smooth shave is irritating.

You should have gone from Mach 3 to Fusion or Fusion Power.
Cool Update...or better Chilling Update


ViKiD said:
I think this was the last Bundle there... at least a new one.
I can go check if you want. Most probably on Sunday.

i live in ncr , won't have a problem picking it up from ncr , btw could pm me the purchase price and the location for this .
a friend has been looking for a 3.55 since a long time
@Nehaladsul, True I used it once and it took 3 times the normal shave time. Although it gives a clean shave and build quality is good but the time taken is quite a lot mainly because I have don't have much facial hair growth.
Do all electric shavers take so much time???
^no. Depending on your growth.
On an average a 2-3mm beard could take about 5 + minutes from other electric shavers.
The one you bought is a low speed one hence trimming would take a bit more time.
If you could check try the hitachi trimmers on ebay. Cost about 1k. Used them for about 3 years without any problem till the mesh got trimmed with usage :P.
In my opinion worth every penny spent.
Just purchased the Samsung Galaxy SII!!! so some pics...that i clicked :)

And here is a case which i bought, Capdase polimor case thought i would buy the white s2 but then that was the one with the I9100G which is meh, so picked up a white case but it does look good with the black SII


Happy new year everybody!!!!cheers!!! :hap2:


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ppl spend so much on a phone and spoil it with such cases....never understood why...

its like wearing a ugly black leather coat over a designer dress...

the phones are designed with so much thought and budget and all spoilt by this...

id rather have a few scratches on a phone rather than a sticky rubber brick which takes so much effort to put/remove in a pocket...
Bhutoria_1989 said:
@Nehaladsul, True I used it once and it took 3 times the normal shave time. Although it gives a clean shave and build quality is good but the time taken is quite a lot mainly because I have don't have much facial hair growth.

Do all electric shavers take so much time???

^^ No... I used a Philips 7000 series shaver after that and it was pretty good. But it was priced for ~ 5k. Switched to the Mach 3! Now using the Fusion Power. :D

This is the one I had: Buy Philips HQ7320 at Best Price in India - Also find Specifications, Photos, Features & Reviews
touzeen said:
ppl spend so much on a phone and spoil it with such cases....never understood why...
its like wearing a ugly black leather coat over a designer dress...
the phones are designed with so much thought and budget and all spoilt by this...
id rather have a few scratches on a phone rather than a sticky rubber brick which takes so much effort to put/remove in a pocket...

If the leather coat takes the nicks and bruises and preserves the designer dress underneath thereby maintaining the resale value, then its worth it IMO