After a long time.

. I have a problem.
Last decmeber, I was playing badminton and i twisted my ankle. I didnt go to doctor or anything. I just rested and applied some cream and the pain went away.
But after that whenever i try to run. the pain comes back in 2 or 3 days. again it takes time to go away. Have no clue why. There is no swelling or anything there.
I just exercise normally.Some abs, pushups etc for like 15~20 mts. will break a sweat. No diet control.
So naturally, i am starting to blow up.

. I dont exercise or anything. But all these months i walked with a crepe bandaid on my ankle. Nothing is helping with the pain to go permanently.
Now i am in US, I went to the doctor last month. They did an XRay and all. No faractures. And they gave me ibruprofin or something like that.
But i didnt start the medication or anything then. This week, i started exercise and all. and also finally. DIET.

. just 2 days though. 3 weeks is my target.

2 days i went for a jogging and all. my leg is paining a bit. but also taking the meds now.
I want like 1.7 miles a day to office. so the return also. 4 days of exercise ~20 mts each. and diet(No junk food. portion control, no snacking. Only some almonds and pista, lot of water, cutting off sugar).
I plan to walk atleast 4 kms a day if running makes my ankle hurts again. Ofcourse i will go to the doc again, to see if there is any ligament tear. possible a MRI.
Please advise regarding this ankle pain. Does doing the above without running of any use?