The Google Nexus S Thread!

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This is why owning a Nexus One is advantageous :P

We'll eventually get 2.3 soon by hook or crook, as well as chances of Nexus S or One getting 3.0 is the same.
Now I wish it were easily available in India (like Samsung G-S is) - really tempted to get this and get on Android for the first time.
vishalrao said:
Waiting for the AnandTech review :)

2.3 has GPU-assisted UI animations and concurrent garbage collector - hopefully this will bring the responsiveness up to par with iOS and what looks like nice WP7 UI.

I wonder if one were to buy the Nexus S, is there a chance of NOT getting 3.0 (honeycomb) when it comes out? HoneyC supposedly will have totally new UI, so I would be disappointed if I bought the NS and did not get 3.0...
vishalrao said:
Now I wish it were easily available in India (like Samsung G-S is) - really tempted to get this and get on Android for the first time.
GPU-assisted UI notwithstanding, saw a video of the UI, disappointed, still laggy. Death to Java I say! :) Will wait to see how 3.0/honeycomb turns out.

Looks like WP7 (like Samsung Omnia7) might be my next phone before anything else...

edit: I wonder if mods might merge the other "Nexus S is out" thread under this one?
2.3 doesn't have GPU assisted UI. And the garbage collector is mainly helpful with games or apps that consume a lot of memory.

Where did you see the video? I wanna take a peek at it too! :P

Nexus S will definitely get 3.0.. and even a bit further. N1, no idea.
Superfrag said:
2.3 doesn't have GPU assisted UI. And the garbage collector is mainly helpful with games or apps that consume a lot of memory.

Where did you see the video? I wanna take a peek at it too! :P

Nexus S will definitely get 3.0.. and even a bit further. N1, no idea.

I think this was it: Google Nexus S Hands-On [Video] - SlashGear

BTW, why do you say it does NOT have GPU assisted UI, you read it somewhere or not?

This AnandTech link says "GPU accelerated UI" , I read another translated chinese page (cant locate it now) that said "GPU assisted" and it also said the "concurrent garbage collector should help" the UI smoothess too: A Busy Day for Android - Nexus S and Gingerbread (2.3) Officially Announced - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News

But, in any case, some good in depth technical hands on reviews should happen soon enough :)
its going to be owned the same day it releases by mighty Tegra 2 proc inside LG star , google had made a big mistake by ignoring nvidea tegra 2 . Nexus = Galaxy S , Lg Star already distroyed Galaxy S , just wait till 16 for google shocker.
I too think, Tegra 2 phones will come on shelves only after CES2011 :(
Might go for Nexus S as well. Anyways I dont see any HTC handset with dual cores on horizon which only means another 6 months.
HTC won't use Tegra 2, they will use the Qualcomm dual core chips.

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Rahulrulez said:
Nexus S kernel revealed.. Nexus S is using Ext4.. Now Galaxy S has bright future :D
That doesn't make any sense. It was already known Nexus S is using ext4, for quite a while. Something similar is already happening since some time for the SGS, in form of Voodoo. How does NS having ext4 translate to SGS having a bright future confounds me.
Oh yeah. My Bad :P Its just that dual cores have become so synonymous with tegra 2 for me :(
Anyways they wont come before march or mid of 2011 I guess :(
there is already a video on youtbue which compares it with galaxy s and iphone 4 , after watching you might consider waiting btw It wd be coming out within a month in korea .

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btw I am big Google fan but Nexus S is an big disappointment , Nexus One set is own rule by offering 1 GHZ proc with 512 MB ram and a 800 * 420 resolution almost year after we have Nexus S which is just the same !! wtf wrong with google. Humingbird , curved screen or NFC are just the ring and bells !! dual core with super amoled 2 cd hav made the diff !!
Superfrag said:
HTC won't use Tegra 2, they will use the Qualcomm dual core chips.

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That doesn't make any sense. It was already known Nexus S is using ext4, for quite a while. Something similar is already happening since some time for the SGS, in form of Voodoo. How does NS having ext4 translate to SGS having a bright future confounds me.
Being a Google's phone, Nexus S will always receive special attention and updates from google :) Secondly, Nexus S is direct copy of Galaxy S... We can easily port everything that Nexus S receives to Galaxy S...
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