The 'i' Dream...

Whilst looking at my uncle’s iPhone Ist Gen in 2007, I used to dream of owning one someday and I knew somewhere back in my mind that i’d definitely own one someday.

June 2007 – Uncle gifted me a Nokia N73 ME in lieu of clearing the CET for securing admission into the University in law course. My Age at that time – 18 yrs.

August 2007 – Uncle bought an iPhone for himself and i used to drool over it.

October 2008 – iPhone 3G’s launch announced and pre-booking started. Thought the price would be $199 i.e same as the US. When it was launched at a bombarding price of Rs. 31k, I was stunned! and the plan was dropped immediately.

April 2009 – Got an iPod Nano 4G as a gift from Mom and i was bowled over by iPod’s sound quality and N73’s sound quality was nowhere near the iPod. This made my commitment to own an iPhone more solid b’coz iPod is an integral part of iPhone. My Age at that time – 20 years.

November 2009 – My N73 which had undergone many housing changes by now went kaput coz its LCD got short. Damages – Rs. 1900. So decided to get a new phone, options were many but choice was only one..... Apple iPhone.

Now, I had 2 options, 3G or 3GS. I wanted to buy the phone only through legal means and wanted warranty too, so 3GS was out of question. 3GS’ speed and camera was not a big deal for me.

Now the buying process started and I Negotiated with an ebay seller who finally came down to a price of 27.5k shipped and without warranty for a new one. But, I was just not satisfied coz the thought that was coming in my mind was ‘duniya boht kamini hai’ and you cannot rely on a word of mouth for such an expensive item. The phone may be a refurb or stolen or housing changed repaired phone... OMG.... I might fall into a trap.

So, Contacted the Apple iStore in Ludhiana, from where my bro had bought an iPod touch and the people there were quite familiar with me now. They offered Apple iPhone 3G 8GB locked to airtel for Rs. 29.5k. They’d unlock it and warranty will still be there. This was a great offer

20th December 2009 - Went to the iStore with Mom and to my surprise, The price had further been reduced to Rs. 28.5k! Bang Boom.... When the guy tore off the plastic sealing, and i held the phone in my hand, tears were there in my eyes [:eek:hyeah:] My dream had finally come true. The iStore guys unlocked it for free (They charged 2k bucks to do it normally) coz they’re known to me. My Age : Going to be 21 yrs. of age and currently in 3rd year of my course.

I keep my iPhone as my baby. I had ordered a Screen protector and back body cover from ebay using 250 off coupon a week back. Therefore, I Applied the Screen protector within the first minute of removing the original protector. [:D]

Activated Vodafone Mobile Connect Unlimited EDGE plan @ Rs. 299/- month. Speed is great for such a price and tethering is also working.

Here... presenting my dream to you all which came true after approx 3 years...

Alright, coming back... Here are the pics of my baby.


Indians are emotional fools lol. That includes me as well :)

Is the vodafone unlimited edge plan only 300 bucks? Is this for the iPhone users only or the this applies to any handset?