Linux The Linux Hater Returns

He has a point. Desktop linux is still a failure however you look at it. Obviously he goes over the board, but he's a linux hater, you ought to take his comments with a pinch of salt.

Linus couldn't care less about linux's desktop adoption. It's sad on how the blog writer tries to bring up Linus. He(and his band of merry men) write the technology and dont give a flying f*ck about what everyone else thinks.

Real men :).
vishalrao said:
I find his posts entertaining at the very least :)

Very :eek:hyeah: , an antidote to those that take themselves too seriously.

I see a lot of drive-by commentards saying something like I’m spreading FUD on behalf of MS. The more I think about it, freetards do something similar. It’s not FUD, it’s the opposite. I’m going to call it COCK. Certainty, Optimism, Conviction, and KDE.

Thats a new one for me :D

His posts remind of a wise saying, made in 86 but still unchallenged.
Can't linux be made to run similar to windows?i agree to some extent if installing appilcations,s/w packages require certain commands to be typed...
Lol, wake up buddy.. use Ubuntu 8xx or rather best 8.10. ALso if you are scared then dont need an xtra pratition or ext3 format.. juts install uing Wubi inside ur windows. It'll install Linux on ur same C Drive into a folder which say u allocate 10GB. This will install on the very same NTFS, and will be as application of Windows and its more simple than installing MS OFfice :p..

...Then what.. u hate linux?? dont like it or find it of not ur taste.. just go to ur windows add/remove and uninstall :) all is gone :D

All is getting and is GUI in ubuntu now, even the command lines aint tuff or stupid.

The troubleshooting is awesome in this :D...etc etc.
sri_k said:
Can't linux be made to run similar to windows?i agree to some extent if installing appilcations,s/w packages require certain commands to be typed...
Infact for a total newbie who has never seen a PC before, Linux will surely be easier to use than Windows.

Poeple just feel Linux is diff coz they are accustomed to Windows.
heh this new xkcd comic will make the linux hater smile: xkcd - A Webcomic - Supported Features
