The Mosquito Mega-Catch

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Founding Member
No More Mosquitos! :ohyeah:

The Mosquito Mega-Catch is able to kill up to 1,200 mosquitos in one night, reducing mosquito populations over an entire acre

ith the summer here, I bet many of you would appreciate the Mosquito Mega-Catch, a lean, mean, mosquito murderer. It uses

a strip of octenol (to generate a scent that resembles breath), a UV bulb, and flashing LEDs (oscillating frequencies determined to coincide with spectral sensitivities of many mosquitoes).

When mosquitoes get close to the trap, the patented airflow system that disperses the attractant sucks the insects inside, where they are collected in a mesh catch bag or a liquid catch pan that is easy and safe to empty. In a USDA suburban test, our trap captured up to 1,200 mosquitoes in a single night and diminished mosquito populations over an entire acre.

So, not only are you ridding yourself of these suckers, you’re doing your neighborhood a service. And at $200 from Hammacher-Schlemmer, it’s not completely unaffordable.

actually 200$ is not a bad price if it does the job over 100m even :cool2:

ROFL.. they are fighting over whether we should kill the mosquitoes or not..

Just because creepy crawly things are the Lords creation does not mean that we do not have dominion over them. We are to subdue them and we do. The fallen angels (demons) are the Lords creaton as well, yet Jesus cures men afflicted with demons and sens the demons to the enternal flame… As you can see animals, insects, angels, and humans are not all created equal.

In Christ,
Erik Fritsch
Ren... I think you missed the part where a dude quoted a whole lot of stuff from the Bible itself...

Man that surely made my day :P...
Mosquitos serve no useful purpose, and they kill human beings. Heck, if you guys saw the last episode of Guiness World Records on Axn a couple of days ago, Mosquito was judged the 'Most Dangerous Animal' on earth.

India needs that mega-catch killer desperately.

*splats newspaper on a mosquito on the keyboard and misses*
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