The most badass boss of a game you have played?

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Just another TP thread but who could possibly be the most badass boss in any game you've played by far? :P

And by badass I do not mean playing the game in the hardest difficulty possible and facing him/her. The normal difficulty applies here.

It was Heinrich in RTCW for me. Took me a lot of tries and rounds to get that filthy armor off his body. Played the game during my 10th grade and still recall those moments to date! :@
Queen of Blades of starcraft 2,Dahaka of pop etc comes to my mind.But the hardest scenario i have faced was the last part of volcano mission in farcry.Never been able to beat it without keeping the doors open using chairs.
Desecrator said:
Just another TP thread but who could possibly be the most badass boss in any game you've played by far? :P

And by badass I do not mean playing the game in the hardest difficulty possible and facing him/her. The normal difficulty applies here.

It was Heinrich in RTCW for me. Took me a lot of tries and rounds to get that filthy armor off his body. Played the game during my 10th grade and still recall those moments to date! :@

The last boss in Serious Sam was awesome. (With those headless idiots running towards you.)

Also love all the bosses in Shadow of the Colossus.
sticking out and I could keep shooting it and the boss did not move as his armor kept falling out.
Emperor Zizzy Balloba from MDK 2. The game by itself is insanely hard, and the final boss is even more difficult and you have three entirely different ways to finish him!
Fenix said:
Final boss in Ninja Gaiden . I hate him .
he was easy ,

i played it on PS3 NGsigma though , read somewhere that the first encounter with doku ( when the village was burned ), there doku could be defeated, (if someone tried hard enough ) i tried and tried and tried , could not defeat him there ! still he is undefeated by me ! :(

Has someone defeated doku there ( the point is even if you loose there you there is no change in story, it progresses)

that has to be the hardest boss encounter.
^FYI the game's difficulty has been toned down for the PS3 version which is NGS and NGS 2. The original Ninja Gaiden (for the Xbox) and Ninja Gaiden II (for the X360) were by far some of the hardest titles.
damn said:
Badass - Legate Lanius from Fallout: New Vegas

Just one interaction and I was already sold.

Hardest - Xaero from Quake 3 Arena

This guy is a legend on hxc.

Xaero in nightmare, he effing cheats !!

Diablo from Diablo 2 was fun. Half Life 1 last boss, he just kept teleporting me away :@

The whole Operation Flaspoint GOTY, did anyone complete it?
I'm not sure about badass but the one I remember best is Lisbeth from Undying... even with her head chopped off :D
General RAAM of GOW.
tried killing a few times, then just increased life figure in the file to billions and general RAAM was Dead in 7-8 sniper shots
Don't laugh, but as i kid i could never kill Shredder in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The NES game... No idea where that console is now, else i'd try to complete that game...
nj_gamer said:
Don't laugh, but as i kid i could never kill Shredder in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The NES game... No idea where that console is now, else i'd try to complete that game...

Don't fret man. I couldn't beat him either. I had to co-op with my brother to take him and Krang down.
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