About time we had one, to place all the upcoming games and updates together.
300, the movie, is looking good. And its official game is exclusive to PSP!
Trailer :
YouTube - 300 - March to Glory
On the other hand, PSP lost GTA Vice City Stories as an exclusive to Ps2!
It's official: GTA: VCS is PS2-bound - PSP News at GameSpot
Now this is fun! Gametrailers have done an exciting PSP vs DS feature here where people can vote on the better aspects of the systems with video comparison, the video will take a while to load but its really worth it if you want a dosage of how current handhelds have advanced :
GameTrailers.com - VS: Nintendo DS vs. Sony PSP
Those looking for some walls or contribute :
So what games are you people playing? I'm still on Vice City Stories, 25 hours put in with only 22.3% complete! One hell of a time consumer.
300, the movie, is looking good. And its official game is exclusive to PSP!
Trailer :
YouTube - 300 - March to Glory
On the other hand, PSP lost GTA Vice City Stories as an exclusive to Ps2!
It's official: GTA: VCS is PS2-bound - PSP News at GameSpot
Now this is fun! Gametrailers have done an exciting PSP vs DS feature here where people can vote on the better aspects of the systems with video comparison, the video will take a while to load but its really worth it if you want a dosage of how current handhelds have advanced :
GameTrailers.com - VS: Nintendo DS vs. Sony PSP
Those looking for some walls or contribute :
So what games are you people playing? I'm still on Vice City Stories, 25 hours put in with only 22.3% complete! One hell of a time consumer.