The Samsung Galaxy i7500 Thread

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Hi Folks,

Being a regular at TE I often browsed the mobile thread and ventured into the Galaxy i5700/Galaxy i9000 thread.

I often wonder why a thread was not dedicated to this phone aka Galaxy i 7500.

I presume this phone is very popular in India and has a lot of takers not only here but all around the world.

Also adding to it Samsung deserted the phone in India with Android Cupcake 1.5 while officially the world got the Android 1.6 donut release. Also what makes this thread even more meaningful is the fact that some developers under the aegis of GAOSP are working very hard to release Android Froyo 2.2 release for the Galaxy. Infact a couple of beta versions have been released and its only a matter of time before we get a fully working Android 2.2 Froyo for the Galaxy.

You can read more about the GAOSP ( Galaxy Android Open Source Project) here : GAOSP

So lets share our experiences and issues and make this thread a one-point-stop for all Galaxy owners on TE.

If I find enough takers for this thread I can update it with links to upgrade, mod, root and customize our Galaxys.

Till then take care ciao :D
I dont think many own this phone probably cause of the older Android version and poor hardware specs. Kudos to the developers who are working on Froyo for it ...

Its what makes Android such a good platform :)
RD274 said:
I dont think many own this phone probably cause of the older Android version and poor hardware specs. Kudos to the developers who are working on Froyo for it ...

Its what makes Android such a good platform :)
I would say I partially agree and majorly not. Given the price it a true VFM.

Its certainly a good phone considering its price/feature ratio.

Its got a 528 Mhz procy with 192 MB RAM...Thats more than decent ... Leaving apart the Galaxy S, Nexus One, Motorola Droid/MileStone etc.

Just though this would give a common platform for all Galaxy owners.

Agree in totality thats Android is really a flexible platform with much scope for modifications and developer improvement.

BTW...What ph do you use ?
^^ It is VFM for sure..... Unfortunately, when it was launched, it was priced at ~ 24k & then it died a sudden death & the left over stocks were sold for as low as 14k

I believe anyone who owns this phone should sell it off before their warranty expires as after that getting service support for this phone is going to be a real pain.......

Samsung almost repeated the same story with the Galaxy Spica.....

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