The Size Of Our World - Putting things in perspective

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The Size Of Our World - Putting things in perspective

Just a little something to put the World & our life into some perspective.

Now, sum 1 just VALUE our REALWORTH :ill:
(or simply Just think over it in length)​
Sagitarii is the largest star known and is twice the size of Antares..They are red stars...stars that have burnt out and is very less for smth thats so much bigger than the sun they r just abt 25 times its mass....our sun will burn out eventually and expand and encapsulate venus and mercury and will be visible(if any1 survives) as a gigantic red ball on earth...maylook 200 times as big as the full moon....

lol largest star known is strictly what is "just known".

and the pick is only frm a few million stars in the galaxy.....whereas there r billions of stars in our galaxy and billions of such galaxies in the universies...

Mars is half the size of earth...venus is about the size of earth as correctly depicted in the pic.
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