Modified the post, just that I will update that github gist when needed so linked thatThis is some serious shit. I guess you could copy paste stuff here and people will pick and choose what they like? What say?

Modified the post, just that I will update that github gist when needed so linked thatThis is some serious shit. I guess you could copy paste stuff here and people will pick and choose what they like? What say?
I recently discovered this ImageGlass - A lightweight, versatile image viewer and I like it very much.
If you use chocolatey I have gathered a list of programs that you may want to install after a fresh format.
Code:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <packages> <!-- <package id="apackage" /> <package id="anotherPackage" version="1.1" /> <package id="chocolateytestpackage" version="0.1" source="somelocation" /> <package id="alloptions" version="0.1.1" source="https://somewhere/api/v2/" installArguments="" packageParameters="" forceX86="false" allowMultipleVersions="false" ignoreDependencies="false" /> --> <!-- Core --> <package id="chocolatey" /> <package id="chocolatey-core.extension" /> <package id="chocolatey-windowsupdate.extension" /> <package id="chocolateygui" /> <!-- Browsers --> <package id="brave" /> <package id="chromium" /> <package id="Firefox" /> <package id="Firefoxesr" /> <package id="Firefoxesr" version="52.9.0" forceX86="true" allowMultipleVersions="true" /> <package id="GoogleChrome" /> <package id="Opera" /> <package id="vivaldi" /> <!-- Documents --> <package id="adobereader" /> <package id="cutepdf" /> <package id="foxitreader" /> <package id="libreoffice-fresh" /> <package id="openoffice" /> <package id="pdfcreator" /> <package id="sumatrapdf.install" /> <!-- Utilities --> <package id="autohotkey.install" /> <package id="bleachbit.install" /> <package id="caffeine" /> <package id="defraggler" /> <package id="etcher" /> <package id="everything" /> <package id="f.lux.install" /> <package id="nssm" /> <package id="openhardwaremonitor" /> <package id="partitionmasterfree" /> <package id="partitionwizard" /> <package id="procexp" /> <package id="procmon" /> <package id="rufus" /> <package id="sysinternals" /> <package id="testdisk-photorec" /> <package id="ultradefrag" /> <!-- Messaging --> <package id="discord.install" /> <package id="hexchat" /> <package id="pidgin" /> <package id="telegram.install" /> <package id="thunderbird" /> <package id="whatsapp" /> <!-- Security --> <package id="avastfreeantivirus" /> <package id="avgantivirusfree" /> <package id="clamwin" /> <package id="malwarebytes" /> <package id="simplewall" /> <!-- Password Managers --> <package id="bitwarden" /> <package id="enpass.install" /> <package id="keepass.install" /> <package id="keeweb" /> <package id="keepassxc" /> <!-- Developer Tools --> <package id="aptana-studio" /> <package id="atom" /> <package id="codeblocks" /> <package id="dbeaver" /> <package id="eclipse" /> <package id="filezilla" /> <package id="git.install" /> <package id="hostsman" /> <package id="hyper" /> <package id="intellijidea-community" /> <package id="jdk8" /> <package id="mono" /> <package id="monodevelop" /> <package id="nodejs-lts" /> <package id="notepadplusplus.install" /> <package id="putty.install" /> <package id="pycharm-community" /> <package id="python3" /> <package id="sourcetree" /> <package id="sublimetext3" /> <package id="sublimetext2" /> <package id="winscp.install" /> <package id="unity" /> <package id="vagrant" /> <package id="virtualbox" /> <package id="vscode" /> <package id="vscode-icons" /> <!-- Media --> <package id="foobar2000" /> <package id="handbrake.install" /> <package id="k-litecodecpackfull" /> <package id="lavfilters" /> <package id="madvr" /> <package id="mpc-be" /> <package id="mpc-hc" /> <package id="mpv.install" /> <package id="musicbee" /> <package id="obs-studio" /> <package id="vlc" /> <!-- Compression --> <package id="7zip.install" /> <package id="peazip.install" /> <!-- Runtime --> <package id="dotnet4.6.2" /> <package id="dotnet4.7.1" /> <package id="dotnetfx" /> <package id="silverlight" /> <!-- File Sharing --> <package id="qbittorrent" /> <package id="transgui" /> <!-- Online Storage --> <package id="boxsync" /> <package id="dropbox" /> <package id="syncthing" /> <!-- Imaging --> <package id="gimp" /> <package id="inkscape" /> <package id="" /> <!-- Gaming --> <package id="epicgameslauncher" /> <package id="goggalaxy" /> <package id="origin" /> <package id="steam" /> <package id="uplay" /> <!-- Privacy --> <package id="brave" /> <package id="openvpn" /> <package id="signal" /> <package id="tor-browser" /> <package id="veracrypt" /> <!-- Penetration Testing --> <package id="burp-suite-free-edition" /> <package id="nmap" /> <package id="nmap" /> <!-- Selenium --> <package id="selenium-chrome-driver" /> <package id="selenium-edge-driver" /> <package id="selenium-gecko-driver" /> <package id="selenium-ie-driver" /> <package id="selenium-opera-driver" /> <!-- Fonts --> <package id="firacode" /> <package id="sourcecodepro" /> <package id="hackfont" /> <package id="inconsolata" /> <package id="dejavufonts" /> <package id="anonymouspro" /> <!-- Other --> <package id="skyfonts" /> <package id="mactype" /> </packages>
I remember something like this installed on my android in MM days...![]()
EarTrumpet is the Windows 10 volume control app Microsoft should have created
An awesome utility to improve audio in Windows
Useful for people who have multiple inputs and audio outputs on their windows machines
You might want to check out RecuvaPlease share freeware data recovery software. Is a free unlimited data recovery software available?
Should consider VS Codium fork with all M$ telemetry excludedShould add Visual Studio code here
Windows inbuilt display option can help and so your gpu tool. Depends if you set it for extended or clone mode.I recently added 2nd monitor to my PC
1st is 1440p 32inch monitor
2nd is 1080p 23inch monitor
If I turn off 1 screen, everything is fine
But if I turn off both screens, all open windows change their position. Their size also changes
Any freeware software that can help with this?
My query is misunderstood, I will explain with the help of screenshots
Lets say this is how my desktop looks like
View attachment 121169
I turn off both screens (pc remains on), come back later after lunch or 10min break and turn on screens and I find it like this
View attachment 121170
I have several windows open and they all need to be rearranged to right position. Any solution would be nice.