The TE L33T Admin guide :)

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I spent quite a lot of time playing on TE Server. Quite a few of the Admins are still getting used to the Mani Admin mod, and seeing how many times I was asked how to this and how to do that, I take it that Admins (including me!) tend to be quite a lazy bunch. So I thought I’d make a small post about most frequently used commands, so all the current and future admins can have a head start. Of course some of the TE admins have already learnt the Mani Documentation well enuff to recite it better than my grandma can recite the Hanuman Chalisa, in that case feel free to make your additions. And typing the commands is how L33T admins do it :tongue: The GUI menu is for teh noobzorzz.

(TeamSay) u@ - Message goes to admins only, Space after @.

y@ - Entire Message gets highlighted in green. Can be read by all, i.e if ur dead and type this way, all alive players will still see the message. Space after @.

All following commands use y followed by @

@kick <player name> - Self explanatory. Also @ban and @ban_ip. Use with caution!!

@slay <player name> - Slay the Thai Campersss…

@slap <player name> - U know what this does. Same for burning, drugging, teleporting, freezing, firebomb, freezebomb etc.

@restrict <weaponname> - eg @restrict flashbang, again useful for custom maps. You can also optionally use number parameter, eg @restrict awp 2 will restrict awp to 2 per team.

@balance – Immediately balances teams. Ie, if a few people leave the server, it can sometimes end up being 4-7 or something unbalanced. Now css will not balance teams at the end of that particular round, but wait till the end of the next round to balance. Mani will balance teams immediately, so do this at the end of a round.

@beacon – Useful against campers, makes glowing concentric neon circles around players, and makes beeping noises, giving away their location instantly.

@givecash <player name> <amount> - gives specified amount of cash to a player, don’t really understand why u need to use it.

@mute <player name> - Very useful wen little kids with new mic's just wont stop.

@knives – Next round onwards will be knives only, you cannot buy anything except Armor. Normal shopping mode is @unrestrictall. Useful for custom maps

@pistols – Pistols only. Again @unrestrictall to go back to normal.

@shotguns – Shotty only :D

@rcon <rcon command> - eg @rcon sv_gravity 800 or @rcon mp_freezetime 2, or any other rcon command.

@map <mapname> - Changes to specified map, eg @map de_aztec

@voteextend – Extend this map vote.

@votequestion <â€Questionâ€> <â€Option1â€> <â€Option2â€> … - Create a vote. Eg @votequestion “Next Map should be†Aztec Dust Prodigy… Note that If the Option has spaces, you need to enclose it in quotes.

@votecancel – Self Explanatory

@war – Specifies war mode. Try it :)

That’s all that I can think of right now. Please donot try these out at the expense of others. If an Admin makes a map change etc. that you disagree of, please use the admin chat feature to talk. My point is that yesterday the map was changed about thrice in 5 minutes, and that’s not good for anyone who is playing on the server.

Generally speaking, if you make a map change, it is advisable to make a vote and then change to whatever wins. And if you think the map change is making a server empty, generally I make a vote again if server goes down to 8 people or less. It has happened quite a few times that I changed to Train, and server quick went down to 9-10 people from full 16, as all the Dust2 lovers left for elsewhere. But in a few minutes other people join :D. So give it a few minutes.

Finally you can use unique part of player name for all commands, instead of complete player name. eg If the player in question is Switch, then @kick swi will kick him as long as the 3 characters “swi†donot appear in anyone else’s name. Of course this is a very bad example, and if we try it, we may find ourselves suddenly unable to join the server. :rofl: :tongue: :tongue:
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1 more thing guys.

yesterday when i and wolf and 1 more admin was playing on server the map got remote rcon and map changed two - three times. ( I think thats what wolff is talking about ).

Please make sure that if one of the admins is on the server dont do remote rcon map change commands through HLSW.

either go on the server and start the vote or the admins playing figure it out :P.
You 4got 1, important command :P.

@givehealth <name> <amt>


Karan was generous enuf to gimme 10000 HP, when i was 1 on 6 with some others, once. It was fun running behind them knifing :P. Until karan the spoil sport Slayed me when i got to him :@.
Thnx for the reps guys :D :D
And wat Adi mentions is a lot of fun. Its called Devil mode IIRC. Here's how it goes

1. Turn of Limitteams - @rcon mp_limitteams 0
2. Turn of AutoBalance - @rcon mp_autobalance 0
3. Only 1 T, every 1 else goes CT, or vice versa. @swapteam <playername> can be used here, to manually change people's teams.
4. @givehealth <player name> 10000

So basically its 1 T against 10-15 CTs. The Ts got 10000 health. Insane amounts of Fun, and you'll be surprised who actually wins lol.
Some more commands for scrim:

press "y" before typing

Locking the server:

@rcon sv_password "******"

enabling lo3:

@rcon exec lo3.cfg

after scrimming (resetting server to normal):

@rcon exec server.cfg

removing pass:

@rcon sv_password " "

p.s: sandy bet me to it :P
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@Funky & Sandy... A request to add Scrim options in the mani itself so that its much more easier and faster to execute...

Also deleted OT from the thread...
Switch, I know you people can do better than me, but still... :)

If you need the modified admin menu with all settings for default/timeless/scrims, then I can upload the files for you people here (The ones we are using at Ozone) and you can upload them on TE. Much easier to use than default menu.
Thanks for the support Justin... I will ask you to get in touch with Funky,Sandy & Sahill as these three are responsible for FTP and SSH access... So technically only these people cant either edit or use your files...
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