The Tesseract (or HyperCube)

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The Tesseract (or HyperCube) is mathematical prediction of what cube might look like in 4D Space.


Here are few science related things I thought might interest you....

The Tesseract (or HyperCube) is mathematical prediction of what cube might look like in 4D Space.

An old story tells us how to keep our gold safe from robber that exists only in two dimensions (sheet of paper): simply just put it in square safe. 2D robber won't be able to reach it... but if another 3D cruck wanted the gold, he would simply take the gold out of the sqaure not even touching the safe walls.

On the other hand, to keep gold out of reach from 3D robber you would need a cube safebox with walls on all 6 the gold is secure.. but imagine another robber bursting from 4th dimesnion just to steal our gold! He would be able to take the gold from inside the box safe bypassing all the walls, simply taking the gold from inside.

In this situation hypecube safebox would become usefull, if we had one... Hardly imaginable, but here are few explanations how to understand 4D cube mathematics, or simply view or rotate your own Hypercube or other 4d structures. But don't even bother trying to put together a 4D Rubick Cube.
eerrrr Dizzy..... :S

but excellent read man, i always wanted so see how something might look like in 4D and what i thought is sort of correct :D
You can't see in 4D. The fourth dimension is beyond human perception (though we can understand it). Time flows along for us, but we cannot "feel" it as such.
Just came across this link! Nice find Dip. Oh and space doesn't end at four dimensions. Apparently scientists have found space capable of having up to 25 dimensions, but at the sub-atomic level, making it impossible for us to travel through.

However, think of the distance we could traverse if it was possible to access additional spatial dimensions. There could be interstellar travel without needing to accelerate to the speed of light.
and the odds are that i am going to invent one of those interdimensional travel devices, and will use it to steal the latest geforce 7900GT straight from the card manufacturer.
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