Let the pics do the talking
Plz do not mind the quality .. Taken with K790i and rright now there is lack of light and all so do not mind it 

Though every 1 was insisting me to have a bike but I am not crazy to have 1
So I'd purchased a DTB for myself
I like it very much
Looks amazing and kinda faster than many Bicycles I had used
The DTB costed me 3.6k inclusive of all taxes
+ some accessories that I got from the showroom :rofl: +++ This lil Monsta
Got a total of 18 Gears
6 at back and 3 in front .. from Multiplying we got 18 
Thanks it for now
Regards :tongue:

Though every 1 was insisting me to have a bike but I am not crazy to have 1

Thanks it for now