Monitors The ultimate LCD monitor query


I want to buy an LCD monitor. The main requirements of the LCD i wanna buy are:

1) It should have the required ports so that it can be hooked both to a PS3/XBOX 360 and a PC (with DirectX 10 graphics card).

2) It should support hi-definition graphics (1080p/1080i)

Now, i think the only way to fulfill both the requirements is that the LCD monitor should have an HDMI port.

Looking at the current LCD products, i find that most LCD panels have DVI inputs. Only some of the newer LCDs have a HDMI port (e.g. [SIZE=-1]BenQ FP241W) [/SIZE]but most of these LCDs are quite big (> 24 inch) and are quite costly.

Now i wanna know the following:

1) Can an LCD panel with HDMI input support both PS3/XBOX 360 and a PC?

2) When can i expect normal 19/20 inch LCD panels with HDMI inputs to be available in the market at an affordable price?
montylee said:
1) Can an LCD panel with HDMI input support both PS3/XBOX 360 and a PC?
2) When can i expect normal 19/20 inch LCD panels with HDMI inputs to be available in the market at an affordable price?
1. Get a HDMI -> DVI converter and plug it into any LCD.
2. Why do you need an HDMI input, DVI offers absolutely no loss in quality :)
Affordable 19/20" panel are already available, don't expect 1080p resolution from them though :p

@ Darkstar - Samsung Bordeaux is an LCD TV mate ;)
montylee said:
1) Can an LCD panel with HDMI input support both PS3/XBOX 360 and a PC?

2) When can i expect normal 19/20 inch LCD panels with HDMI inputs to be available in the market at an affordable price?

1) a LCD panel with HDMI input can support both PS3/XBOX 360 (via VGA or HDMI) and a PC (via DVI)

2) 19/20 inch LCD panels with HDMI inputs do not exist in India & 19/20 inch LCD panel = 720p max

your only choice for a good panel with many inputs including HDMI, which supports 1080p & which is available in India too is the BenQ FP241W

the BenQ FP241W is an 8bit S-PVA panel too

Link: PRAD | Result LCD-Monitor Feature Guide
Udit said:
1) a LCD panel with HDMI input can support both PS3/XBOX 360 (via VGA or HDMI) and a PC (via DVI)

2) 19/20 inch LCD panels with HDMI inputs do not exist in India & 19/20 inch LCD panel = 720p max

your only choice for a good panel with many inputs including HDMI, which supports 1080p & which is available in India too is the BenQ FP241W

the BenQ FP241W is an 8bit S-PVA panel too

Link: PRAD | Result LCD-Monitor Feature Guide

thanks for ur quick replies :)

Actually why i wrote HDMI for PC is that DirectX 10 cards would have HDMI port in addition to DVI ports.

I am willing to wait for LCD panels with HDMI inputs. I think i can only afford a 19/20 incher with HDMI input. So, i wanted to know when such panels would be available.
montylee said:
yes i can but still i would like to wait for 19/20 incher with HDMI inputs...'ve like basically solved your own query.... You ask for HDMI on a smaller panel when there aren't any around, a fact easily revealed by Google. The only choice as of now is the 24 incher, and anything less than that doesn't do 1080p anyways...

@ holding might be a long wait...

besides you've titled your thread "ultimate LCD", ultimate would = big right?
So much for the ULTIMATE LCD monitor Query :p
I found your thread in tech2 forums with the same ditto heading :D a bit creative man :eek:hyeah:
TheDevil said:
So much for the ULTIMATE LCD monitor Query :p

I found your thread in tech2 forums with the same ditto heading :D a bit creative man :eek:hyeah:

it's ok dude. I don't wanna hide the fact that i posted the same query on 2 forums.

The problem is that i can't afford the 24 incher (well i can but my parents would ill me if i buy one)... well i think i would wait for a few months then go for an LCD
okie tokie... so this means if i buy an LCD with DVI input and use an HDMI to DVI converter to connect the PS3 to the LCD, then there will be no loss in quality?

and also if i buy a 19/20/22 incher then i can get only 720P resolution. To get 1020P i have to buy > 24 incher, right?

and am i right in saying that there is not much visible difference b/w 720P and 1080P for an average human being?
^ Yes, a 22" display like the Dell E228 would suffice. There is difference between 720p and 1080p, but not worth the price gap.

Besides, 1080p is gonna take a another 2 years to hit the mainstream.
the difference in visual quality can be percieved when u look close enuf, but with extra large screens, sitting back, relaxing and enjoying the movie, shouldnt be much of a difference

btw...doesnt dvi support hdcp??