The user profile failed the logon-user profile cannot be loaded

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i got a new dell studio laptop today. it has Vista os. the very second time i tried to log on , it showed an error 'The user Profile Service failed the logon. log on failed'.:( I couldnt understand it. Googled it out. got a solution in this vista forum. the first option worked out.
The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded. - Vista Forums .
Is it a bug in Vista? many of my friends advised me to change to XP. Is it really necessary? I m really scared with this bad start. :S
Thats not a bug in Vista, its happens sometimes only, with XP, Vista and happened once with me with Windows 7 too.

Don't switch to XP, on a new laptop, Vista is the way to go.
Log on with another administrator user profile or if you don’t have any other and you are the only user do the following:
1.Turn off computer

2.Turn on computer and press F8 while you see the DELL logo

3.On the Windows Advanced Options select Safe Mode

4.Open the Start Menu and type Regedit on the Start Search field

5.Go to the following entry:
6.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\ CurrentVersion\Profile List

7.On the “.BAK” file you will find an entry with ProfileImagePath with the name of the user.
8.Delete the repeated entry that does not contain “.BAK”
9.Right click on the other entry and select Rename. Delete the extension .BAK for the original entry.
10. Exit Regedit
11. Restart computer.

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