The X of Sound...


Finally after a lot of contemplating, got new speakers today evening.

I had my eyes on these babies for some time now and in the end I got them. :)

As usual... let the pics talk...

The Package...

Content... Sub with attached Control Pod, Satellites in brown box

The Control Pod. Volume level knob, Power button, Bass level knob, headphone jack and Matrix button.

For the record, matrix mode works pretty good.

Back Panel connectors on Sub. Top three are 3.5mm stereo jack connectors for Input and output to satellite goes from 5 RCA female connectors below.

The last one at bottom is power while top one is fixed wired control pod.

Sub is down-firing... bad part, no grill on the woofer cone. It's open, it's unprotected and it's dangerous in untrained hands.

Satellite... two drivers each. The stand can be used for wall mounting as well.

Turn the stand clockwise 180 degree and satellites are ready for some wall hanging.

Center speaker satellite. Same as other satellite speakers but in horizontal position with nice clip mechanism to place it properly on top of LCD monitor.

That's the clip mechanism. The stand is adjustable and contact surface for LCD top has rubber pads to avoid any scratches as well as to keep grip proper.

Click on the pictures to view bigger size. :)

Initial Impressions:

The Good

These babies rock. At this price-point, I doubt you'll find better surround sound set for your PC. In the short test-run these things gave me good output at each music, movie and game. Although, not exactly suited for heavy music usage it still handles music pretty well. The bass is slightly heavy for my test, I prefer rather tight bass but you can keep bass in control with handy control pod. I LOVE the control pod as I can control volume and bass at will. Previously I had to set bass level at one setting after various listening for it to work on all different medias. Now I can reduce the bass for music, pump it slightly while watching movies or playing games.

Music sounds good on these if not best. Plus, I can't really dwell much into it as I'm using Onboard Audio right now. Even then it sounds just good. The sound is rich and the ranges are audible well enough. The mids are bit shy than their full reach as I would have liked (might be my onboard audio), but still they sound just good. The highs are especially great, with proper re-production without any jarring or cracking even at high volume. The lows, as I mentioned earlier are bit heavy and loose for my taste, but handy bass knob on control pod solves that issue.

The matrix mode is essentially what you can call, Virtual Surround mode. It takes the stereo input source and adjusts it to all satellites to create fake multi-channel output. The short of it, it works as said. Though not perfect, it works really really well. It's not much useful for Music, unless you like your music in surround sound. I tried it for a while and while it sounds nice in some songs with heavy orchestration but weird in more vocal oriented songs. AGAIN, with handy control pod you can turn this on and off depending on the song. In movies that are in stereo sound, it really gives good surround effect... as well as, it works rather well in older games. I tried it in Quake3 and it worked pretty well, though I'll take some time to get used to new surround sound ambiance in game.

For actual Multi-Channel sources such as DVDs and newer games, turn off the matrix mode and enjoy the best surround sound for price. The separation was good and the dual-drivers on each satellites make sure you don't miss any details in audio. These things can get loud enough and they won't fart/crack/tear even at maximum volume. Once again, depending on the movie I can control the bass. :)

The Bad

Subwoofer cone is unprotected. Really, Logitech? I mean I understand these are budget speakers but still, you can still leave some dignity on that cone. Sub has slightly larger and heightened feet to keep enough distance between floor and the open speaker, though one need to be careful while handling the sub, not to put your finger through the speaker. I think I'll be putting a grill on this myself once I get some time.

Headphone jack is handy, but weird. As soon as plug the headphones rest of the speakers are turned off, which is good but the volume control on control pod doesn't work when headphones are plugged in. You have to control the volume in your media app, while using headphones on the control pod.

Not a big issue but I would have liked to have wall mounting cuts on Center Speaker stand as well. Unfortunately, that's not the case. This doesn't make big difference but I would have liked that.


5,500/- INR.

From Prime ABGB.

wow pic quality is amazing and nice photography :)

how small are those satellite drivers? 1.5" x 2?

I have Z-5500 and it rocks in everything though i can control volume of headphone from the control pod only :p but i think more 10k would have fetched you 500W RMS Z-5500 system which is more value for money and more 430W RMS boost. so i suggest everyone tat those who got 10k for speakers, extend budget and get Z-5500.
SoulFire said:
what camera did u use to take those snaps

My sweet little D70s. :)

abhisheksahas said:
BTW, how do these compare to the Creative T6060

I have no idea, as I haven't heard T6060 personally... but going by the reviews this one fares much better over T6060 I suppose. :)
Nice review iGo

Sorry for bumping old thread.

1question - I am aware that if matix is on then all speakers will work even for normal encoded song & turn 2.1 to 5.1

If Matrix mode is turned OFF then I play mp3 song which speakers will it play ? I mean only front 2 will play with sub ? Will rear 2 speakers be off when matrix mode is off ?
Praks said:
If Matrix mode is turned OFF then I play mp3 song which speakers will it play ? I mean only front 2 will play with sub ? Will rear 2 speakers be off when matrix mode is off ?

No, it doesn't turn off rear speakers when Matrix Mode is off, instead it works as Rear Stereo speakers. Means, it's a copy of front speakers.

When you turn on Matrix Mode, it tries to shift levels of audio to emulate virtual surround... like I mentioned in review, the effect varies from song to song. In some songs which have heavy orchestration and instruments, surround effect can sounds pleasant. But it totally sucks in songs which have less instruments and more vocal dominance. The shifts in vocal level and overall distribution over multiple speakers sounds totally muffled and bad. Think of it this way, it sounds like playing 32kbps mp3 song on good quality tower speakers... yes, it sounds that bad.

One word of advice... if Music is your priority, invest in good stereo speakers. No surround speakers can sound good if your primary usage is Music. :)