I am not a big fan of parroting other's info; because, well, the one who are connected already know it, and the ones who are not connected can never be reached.
But, for once, I'll set aside my objections to bring you this little gem from kenrockwell.com.
Not sure if there are many on this forum who follow the guy, since he is more famous for reviewing photo gear.
I follow him because he has this knack of cutting through all the verbiage and gaining an insight which is a skill everyone of us needs to cultivate. Here is a recent such insight of his which I feel is uncomfortably true. Think over it while you sleep, Good night.
"The Incredible Shrinking Brain
Watching the new DVD we got of The Jetsons with my kids this morning, I realized again how sad it is how most people's imaginations have shrank so much in the past 40 years as Western society continues its collapse.
In 1962 when the Jetsons came out, we all thought in intergalactic terms. Sending kids to collect rocks on the moon for a kindergarten day trip wasn't given a second thought; it was obviously the future apparent. In 1950's Twilight Zone and 1960's Star Trek, each made reference in different episodes to our having colonized most of the universe specifically in 1997.
All three of these series were broadcast years before Man did make first contact outside of Earth. Man didn't arrive on the moon until 1969.
Today, its sad how too many people can't imagine past the 4" screen of their smart phone.People's imaginations stop at forwarding dumb cat videos.
The medium doesn't matter. We watched those series on monochrome CRTs, and today we watch on 65" Plasmas or 4" smart phones. What matters is the message. In the 1950s and 1960s even the stupider people knew there was no such thing as "impossible," as proved forever on 20 July 1969, while today as the stupider people represent a larger and larger percentage of the population, more and more to them becomes impossible.
Our only limit is our own imaginations. Don't waste it; imagination is the only thing that leads to great photos. Small imaginations lead to small things. Great accomplishments only come from big, crazy ideas. Don't just spam your Facebook friends about dreaming, dream big yourself.
People think I'm nuts because I think too big and too far. If people don't think you or your ideas are nuts, you might not go as far as if they were crazy."
Ken Rockwell's Photography Updates
But, for once, I'll set aside my objections to bring you this little gem from kenrockwell.com.
Not sure if there are many on this forum who follow the guy, since he is more famous for reviewing photo gear.
I follow him because he has this knack of cutting through all the verbiage and gaining an insight which is a skill everyone of us needs to cultivate. Here is a recent such insight of his which I feel is uncomfortably true. Think over it while you sleep, Good night.
"The Incredible Shrinking Brain
Watching the new DVD we got of The Jetsons with my kids this morning, I realized again how sad it is how most people's imaginations have shrank so much in the past 40 years as Western society continues its collapse.
In 1962 when the Jetsons came out, we all thought in intergalactic terms. Sending kids to collect rocks on the moon for a kindergarten day trip wasn't given a second thought; it was obviously the future apparent. In 1950's Twilight Zone and 1960's Star Trek, each made reference in different episodes to our having colonized most of the universe specifically in 1997.
All three of these series were broadcast years before Man did make first contact outside of Earth. Man didn't arrive on the moon until 1969.
Today, its sad how too many people can't imagine past the 4" screen of their smart phone.People's imaginations stop at forwarding dumb cat videos.
The medium doesn't matter. We watched those series on monochrome CRTs, and today we watch on 65" Plasmas or 4" smart phones. What matters is the message. In the 1950s and 1960s even the stupider people knew there was no such thing as "impossible," as proved forever on 20 July 1969, while today as the stupider people represent a larger and larger percentage of the population, more and more to them becomes impossible.
Our only limit is our own imaginations. Don't waste it; imagination is the only thing that leads to great photos. Small imaginations lead to small things. Great accomplishments only come from big, crazy ideas. Don't just spam your Facebook friends about dreaming, dream big yourself.
People think I'm nuts because I think too big and too far. If people don't think you or your ideas are nuts, you might not go as far as if they were crazy."
Ken Rockwell's Photography Updates