Storage Solutions This is Kingston HyperX - Episode 1 (iNcontroL @ work filing nails)

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funkysourav said:
who's the large guy? :S

Take a look at his biography on Wiki:

Geoff "iNcontroL" Robinson is a professional Starcraft 2 and former Brood War player from the United States. He was a contestant in WCG Ultimate Gamer (Season 1) where he finished in 9th place. In Brood War he played as Zerg, but during the StarCraft 2 beta, He changed his race over to Protoss. iNcontroL has also started up a professional Starcraft coaching website with his fellow Evil Geniuses teammates. iNcontroL has also been noted as an occasional caster of various show matches and tournaments.

He currently is dating Anna "uNcontroLable" Prosser, Miss Oregon USA 2011.

I'm not sure if he is really working for Kingston now = =
But this is really a hilarious video...
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