This is what terrorism does

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Ooh..careful there.. bud, the jihadis have tons of videos showing 'thier' own side of the story.

I've gotten into lots of discussions over this topic in the past, the only thing i have left is there is no smoke without fire.

A very hard & painful fact to swallow.
Well, no one has any right to disturb others lives. If anyone has any problems in their life, they can either end their life or live to sort it out. Not disturb life of innocent bystanders. Terrorists or Jihadis alike are welcome to get pissed upon by the stray dogs
khimera said:
Well, no one has any right to disturb others lives.
Absolutely, if this was followed by all concerned then there would be no terrorists, just criminals & psychopaths. Terrorists identify themselves by a cause, a former grievance. The fight of the powerless to effect change. Someone's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.

Whether society agrees with their methods doesn't change them, addressing their demands might, if they merit such. If the cause is perceived as just it can draw volunteers and continue for very long.

Who decides ?

..unless a balance is struck somewhere there is instability, until it makes no more sense to fight.
Someone's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.

eupheisms do not change the fact that hitting out at innocent folks is not justifiable through any lens of morality

when the same freedom fighters killed innocent English women and kids during the siege of Kanpur in the sepoy mutiny , that wasn't justifiable either.....

and anyway, what did people in Mumbai or NY for that matter have anything to do with the grievance of these so freedom (?) fighters
superczar said:
euphemisms do not change the fact that hitting out at innocent folks is not justifiable through any lens of morality

when an army of the worlds most power nation does that , its called liberation

when a man from the third world country does that , its terrorism.

I'm all for removing this plague, but not selectively
Of course i agree with what you have said, i've lived in 3 cities around the world that were victim to terrorist attacks, and all you are left with is anger...why me, why my city ?

..then you try to understand who/what the causes are, the methods used and that makes no sense either. The media only show what has happened and the questions still remain. Then you try to see things from the other side and come to the realisation that terrorists aren't born but made. Something, somewhere has to have seriously gone wrong, for a group of ppl to get motivated enough to want to kill as many random ppl to further their cause.

Look at the profiles of recent terrorists, they don't come from disaffected backgrounds, but somehow have managed to put themselves in the shoes of those that have.Terrorism brings publicity to the cause, forces ppl to become aware of what their country's media is unwilling to tell them.

Whether it ultimately has any overall positive effect is still on a case-by-case basis :( ..and the body counts keep on rising. We lose one of ours for every 10/100/1000 of them. If this equation continues, they have to run out at some point.

If despite this they can still fight then there has to be a very strong cause somewhere that is not being addressed.
and some of them are attention whores whose purpose we are furthering right them more exposure :|
Yeah, thats what happened in the US right after 9/11, the what, the who but rarely if ever..the Why.

The Brits did it for twenty years with the IRA, then things got quiet and we got cease fire declarations. Seems the solution is to say in public no concessions, no appeasement, but behind the scenes things happen. as usual.

..very glad to have lived in the UK waay before this recent shit happened, it can't be easy coming from Bangalore and living there now
LOL, Terrorism is created by people like you and me who sit and watch our government plunder its own people. Look at Godhra. The entire political setup sat and watched while hindu fanatics from VHP and RSS killed Muslims and burnt muslim property. You take everything away from a person, kill his family, take away his means of livelihood , what option does he have other than to take his anger out by strapping a bomb onto himself blowing himself up?

Sure hindus were killed but we're the majority, the minorities need to be taken care of. Sure there is the 10% chance that they'll climb onto our heads and screech for reservations but is'nt that a better option than losing thousands of our brothers and sisters?
^ I disagree. Its not the question of majority or minority. Its the question of being humane. The lack of humane nature, the very essence that differentiates us from the 4-legged creatures, is wat is disturbing and causing the imbalance. sadly :(

Pray, Amit finds a cure soon

AFAIK. the people who are getting affected are the absolutely normal muslims. They are innocent. Recently I saw a lady who was hesitant to get into an auto, the reason being the driver is a muslim. Recently even Muslims in scotland( not very sure which country) did some strike saying terrorism is not islam...

I really cant stop pitying them.....
lazybugger said:

AFAIK. the people who are getting affected are the absolutely normal muslims. They are innocent. Recently I saw a lady who was hesitant to get into an auto, the reason being the driver is a muslim. Recently even Muslims in scotland( not very sure which country) did some strike saying terrorism is not islam...

I really cant stop pitying them.....

So true.... that is always the case. A small group of people bring a bad name on the majority of innocent people.
At Godhra, the entire political setup sat and watched while hindu fanatics from VHP and RSS killed Muslims and burnt muslim property.

And who set fire on Passenger Train at Godhra Station Signal Crossing and Burned 58 Hindu pilgrims. :(

Who place Bomb in Bombay Train Blast 7/11

Who set Bomb at Galsglow.

Why Mushrraf Killed (order to kill) 200 Human Being in Lal Masjjid

Why Saddam Hussein Killed there own Innocent Subjects.

Why Iran Iraq fought with each other.

If you have Bomb to Blow yourself with 1000's of Other Innocents, The Mighty Allah, God, Ram have no-voice Bomb which Blow all of us, who do not care innocent regardless of cast and creed.

You need to see People from Other side, every coin have 2 sides, you need some Special vision to see Both Side Equally and than only Judge any one.

I'm not defending any Party and I'm firm on my stand that Politician are Culprit who learn form British "Divide and Rule"
Stick said:
And who set fire on Passenger Train at Godhra Station Signal Crossing and Burned 58 Hindu pilgrims. :(

Who place Bomb in Bombay Train Blast 7/11

Who set Bomb at Galsglow.

Why Mushrraf Killed (order to kill) 200 Human Being in Lal Masjjid

Why Saddam Hussein Killed there own Innocent Subjects.

Why Iran Iraq fought with each other.

If you have Bomb to Blow yourself with 1000's of Other Innocents, The Mighty Allah, God, Ram have no-voice Bomb which Blow all of us, who do not care innocent regardless of cast and creed.

You need to see People from Other side, every coin have 2 sides, you need some Special vision to see Both Side Equally and than only Judge any one.

I'm not defending any Party and I'm firm on my stand that Politician are Culprit who learn form British "Divide and Rule"

Who demolished Babri Masjid which led to huge riots killing hundred of people ??

Who killed Indira Gandhi ??

Who went on a rampage in Gujarat killing thousands of muslim because 58 hindus died ??

Naxals arent muslims. ULFA terrorists arent muslims. LTTE are not muslims. Mainly buddhists and Hindus.

Veerappan wasnt a Muslim.

OMG !! Do you have any sense ?? Terrorists can be from any religion !! Right now, unfortunately most of the terrorists are muslims...but others are no less...

Bajrang Dal, VHP, etc...are proof of Hindu terrorists. They are quiet now... but they are nothing less...

Our politicians are another form of terrorists. They dont kill with guns and bombs. They kill by just making sure people starve to death or dont have medicines available for treatment.

your kind of attitude is pathetic to say the least.
Nikhil said:
Who demolished Babri Masjid which led to huge riots killing hundred of people ??

Rajiv Gandhi do Shilanyas to Secure Hindu Vote and BJP-Sena-VHP-RSS take his work up

Nikhil said:
Who killed Indira Gandhi ??

For Khalistan

Nikhil said:
Who went on a rampage in Gujarat killing thousands of muslim because 58 hindus died ??

My Point is Why those 58 get killed? what wrong they did?

Nikhil said:
Naxals arent muslims. ULFA terrorists arent muslims.

China - communist fuel them, to insecure India

Nikhil said:
LTTE are not muslims. Mainly buddhists and Hindus.

Want seperation

Nikhil said:
Veerappan wasnt a Muslim.

Want more wealth

Nikhil said:
OMG !! Do you have any sense ?? Terrorists can be from any religion !! Right now, unfortunately most of the terrorists are muslims...but others are no less...

Bajrang Dal, VHP, etc...are proof of Hindu terrorists. They are quiet now... but they are nothing less...

Our politicians are another form of terrorists. They dont kill with guns and bombs. They kill by just making sure people starve to death or dont have medicines available for treatment.

your kind of attitude is pathetic to say the least.

No Nikhil,

I'm not Supporting any Killings by any community for Revenge or other reason, and I will never because when we can't Give Life To Anyone - we have no Right to Snatched it from others.

I just give reply to post.

I think you misunderstand me cause my bad English or my inability to make any one understand correctly.

Still I said NO PROBLEM there in Hindu/Muslim/Sikh/Christian or any other Cast, only Politics and Greedy Politician fuel/evoke some Short Tempered Crowd from Each Community.

Just yesterday I watch on India TV what Al-Jawahir from Taliban Appleal to Pakistanis.

We are Talking about Terrorism and not on Any CAST.
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