Ticket to ABBA?

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:ohyeah: ABBA coming in mumbai is this true? i saw a add flashing add rather before leaving for nagpur.now tht i am here, posting from a cafe, anyone got tickets for the fest or w.e.?
i was just wondering is this true or not? or any TE members got free passes or not :P
NAH... I doubt this is the real ABBA ... possibly a bootleg group. In the end the REAL ABBA had major problems with each other.

If you read the TV ad carefully it is indicated that the group are not the real ABBA.
The real ABBA was around late 1970's and early 1980's.
@ that time they must be in their late 30's ~40's.
so conservatively they must be in their mid-60's now.
pretty good music with quite good lyrics too. mostly romanticism.
Someone offered them 1 BILLION $ , yes, not a typo.... ONE BILLION Dollars to get back together....but the members outrightly refused it saying that they are done with it....
By far, one of the best bands from yester year... very talented musicians and songwriters. Even though I moved on to playing rock and metal, I never stopped listening to ABBA...
friedclyde said:
hi its not really a concert but a musical like a broadway so that makes it more interesting
The Musical is named Mama Mia .. this is not the musical :)
This is whats playing at NCPA : A B B A the show

Eazy said:
NAH... I doubt this is the real ABBA ... possibly a bootleg group. In the end the REAL ABBA had major problems with each other.

If you read the TV ad carefully it is indicated that the group are not the real ABBA.

The band is an ABBA tribute band apparently with a couple of former band members.

The Tour Plan shows the dates for NCPA.
I juist love em... my dd said once they cme from bbylon to calcutta he attendeds the show. i dunno the details.
but their music is everlasting i do listen em quite regularly :).
mother tongue , mamma mia awesome numbers :D very much musical.
i wish i cud attand this sadly cant. anoone goin here?
i'm yet to check the link proided by elendil.
and yes they broke up the band broke up quite lonbg ago...
I saw a documentary on ABBA some time back. They were offered US$ 1 Billion ($250 mil each) to get back together in the 2000. They rejected that offer....so I'm guessing they arent getting back together.... ever!
dunno abt current ABBA musical@Mumbai,

but me a gr8888 Great ABBA fan,consider them the GOD band,..makes me so happy inside 2 hear & also see them making their Magic music numbers from the 70's.Simply cant take ears off to listening their evergreen stuffs

So,as a Tribute & a little 2 my self gratification,brought their Golden Song(Video) Collection in DVD (Original) "ABBA GOLD" from e-bay for 700+bucks 2 years ago!

Now,ABBA Unlimited@ my home for years 2 come,whether there is a Musical or NOT!
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