TiddlyDu2 - *FREE* Personal Organizer in TiddlyWiki Format

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TiddlyDu2 - *FREE* Personal Organizer in TiddlyWiki Format

Welcome to TiddlyDu2!
TiddlyDu2 is a free personal organizer in TiddlyWiki format. It allows you to easily organize your goals, projects, tasks, dated tasks, important information, and contacts. Click on the links below for further instructions.

Link : TiddlyDu2 - - a free personal organizer from http://www.giffmex.org

Tutorial : TiddlyWiki for the rest of us - An easy-to-use entry-level TiddlyWiki tutorial from giffmex

Guyz give this app a try its fantastic.
I donno how many ppl really tried this , but trust me u this app rocks.

Its like having your own wiki on a usb , just a single html file.
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