Time for Bunty aur Bubbly

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time for bun, tea aur bubbly..


ha ha ha (-:
Man this gets too much ............how much can any1 spam...........btw I thot Bubbly was ..........|333|2 :D..................and more than that its time 2 sleep
all u ppl who have problems with my posts, why dont u stop viewing my posts/threads and do urself a favor.. :huh:
bluediamond said:
..kya kare tumhara...

So let me guess, this is hindu, right? I thought we have said many times this is an English based forum.

Any1 care to explain what the above means?
AlbertPacino said:
So let me guess, this is hindu, right? I thought we have said many times this is an English based forum.

Any1 care to explain what the above means?
lol...albert...this isn't hindu! this is HINDI
and it translates to something like "What do I do with you?" :P
no regional or national languages allowed here,.,
only english plz. :)
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