TimeShift PC Demo Released


The wait is nearly over as TimeShift, developed by Saber Interactive and published by Sierra Entertainment, will give you a taste of what it feels like to control time – the first person shooter (FPS) allows players to master the flow of time, to become the ultimate weapon in war-torn environments.

Armed with the experimental time-manipulating Beta Suit and a huge arsenal of weaponry and vehicles, players have the ability to slow, stop and reverse the flow of time, allowing them to control several aspects of each battle sequence and puzzle situation.

Intuitive time controls give the player the ultimate advantage in avoiding attacks, correcting mistakes and outsmarting the enemy. But it doesn't take a genius to realize checking out the new demo is worth your time.




Official Sierra FTP



Official Torrent

The demo was released way back i have played it..It was in chip or digit magazine...its been months.Is this another demo or the same one?
Dr.ashish said:
The demo was released way back i have played it..It was in chip or digit magazine...its been months.Is this another demo or the same one?

TimeShift was redesigned from scratch. it's a totally new demo. why would I post an year old demo? ;)
This was impressive even back then when I played the demo. This game is definitely gonna get into my game collection when it releases.
Just finished playing it, honestly, I am underwhelmed. TimeShift's premise or story are nothing we haven't seen before (Surviving humans fighting the evil corporation's a dead horse, stop beating it) gameplay wise, TimeShift feels flat, I've been a fan of Red Faction titles and basically, TS more-or-less feels a sequel to red faction but with more bells and whistles. the promise to stop time is fascinating but in the game, it isn't all that good, if you correctly remember the key combo for manipulating time (takes 10mins to remember it anyway) then you're pretty much going to dominate. See bunch of enemies? pause time, move forward, shoot them in the face, resume time. everybody dies. low on health? pause time, get back to a safe place, camp around, you'll be fine. TS's time manipulation is further marred by the game's AI. which never puts a real challenge and feels brain dead when compared to modern games. shooting bad guys is always fun but not when your weapons feel like they are from Quake 3. there's zero recoil on any weapon, it feels like you're using toys rather than guns that do serious damage. furthermore, on numerous occasions, it felt as if Saber Interactive took extreme pleasure in ripping off elements from Half Life 2 (the speech in the background, the sniper, the electric water area) the only thing good about TimeShift are it's graphics, the game has received a serious makeover from last demo and has gotten MUCH grittier and dark themed. the character models look nice if not a bit dry. the textures look pretty good too with great attention to detail in many areas. most impressive is the performance however, since the game played 60fps+ most of the time at maximum settings. this could be largely attributed to the fact that the demo lacks huge environments since everything is pretty much close quarter and hence there aren't many things to render.

TimeShift is honestly a disappointed.while it may seem like I am whining for no reason, the fact of the matter is, this 2007. If you're going to pull off a successful modern FPS which is dark themed, you should atleast provide gameplay elements that do justice and not something that plays like a budget title from 2003.


Screenshots @1440x900 - 16x AF 4x TSAA - Maximum Settings -

you know guys the god awful cross hair doesn't look good at all, i hate games with bad CH. Also the HUD looks terrific(in a not so gud way that is)

@evox: how about using powers m8? much like Prince of Persia? or something cool?
your health regenerates and you can stop/slow/reverse time. It's cool but the game isn't balanced enough and it gets far too easy.