Id like to share my experience with
Casette World.... In Short
Very Bad and Frustrating
I recently moved out of Mumbai, between Pune and Mumbai is where I reside... So it takes me 2 and a half hours to get to mumbai.
The time that all of us are joyous, upgrade time where we save or get some money to put towards our main rigs. I wanted a 255+ an upgrade from my 4000+ and a new mobo, cause my old one went kaput
The prices of Casette world, beat Computer selection so I chose to buy there to save some 100 - 200 rs, big f@ing mistake
I bought a Gigabyte Ga-ma785gm-us2h a nice mobo and the proccy and a Corsair VX 450w
Now, all happy i come home, computer comes on, somehow it doesnt ever remember the graphic card settings so no display sometimes, think it could be cmos batt, change that try
After posting i realize its mobo, no help from casette world they send me to service center where i have to wait for one hour after travelling back to mumbai ... brand new fing mobo, they changed the bios i belive and gave it back in 2 -3 days time
I come back home happy but this time nothing a dead computer.............
processor was dead i was amazed iv been using amd for 10 yearss never has a proccy gone bad.... i was like wtf
the only thing that dint go bad was the corsair psu, which i insisted on even after they tried selling me some silverstone.... psu...
but yes I am never going back to casette world ever again, nor would i recommend you buying anything from there..... thanks for givin me an opportunity to vent my frustration
i took me a month to get my rig working after buying new parts

that had to go for service from cassette world...
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i would recommend neotech as well!