OC & Modding Tips To Rig Your PC


Hey guys

Well i have rigged 3 pcs till now.

1st of all i will like to tell i didnt like to post the pic of my rigged pc so didnt

any one intrested tell me i will send u the snaps

Well i would like to share with you how to rig and the tips to rig

here you go.

This are what i will show how to do. but it will lot time for me to present to u all so i will explain one bye one every day so that i doesnt loose my time fo other works too


Painting Metal

Painting Plastic

Other Painting Tips


Cutting Introduction

Cutting Metal

Cutting Plastic


Lighting Your PC

Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tubes

Electro-Luminescent Wire

Light Emitting Diodes: An Introduction

Planning for your LED Circuit

Wiring your LED Circuit

Mounting LEDs

Read More at:

Modifying Your Computer Painting, Cutting, and Lighting

MORE COMING SooN Keep on checkig and share your work too:hap2:

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- Please post the "Source Link" for every article, giving due credit to the original author.

- Avoid Hot-linking images from other sites. Upload to Imageshack or other free image hosting providers and then link the images.
Well well i though of explaining more in details

and u just saw the images location and pasted the links
