TL to PM

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Some might find this a PJ, but a few would be able to associate with this ;)

PM > How long will it take to complete this project?
TL > 10 months.

PM > 10 months, too long. how many resources do you need?
TL > 1

PM > 1? , I'll give you 10, complete the project in a month.
TL > that's Impossible

PM > Why not?
TL > You need a kid, get me a girl, you would see the result in 10 months. 10 girls? Just a month? Thats not possible sir!

This is the reply my TL gave my PM recently, tot of sharing with ya :hap2:

would like to hear anything similar to this... :tongue:
This is just one of those situations you face during your career mate.
It happens quite often in many places and you need a bold person to say this...

Even now I can't forget the expression my PM gave...

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