CPU/Mobo To L3 or not to L3

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Dragon age origins apparently gets upto 75% boost multicore proccessors compared to dual cores.

Dragon Age: Origins CPU benchmarks - 75 percent boost for quad-cores - Dragon Age Origins, CPU, Benchmark, Performance - PC Games Hardware

Games are increasingly getting optimized for multicores. So, which would be the better bet, Phenom 2 X2 550BE(4mb L3) or Athlon 2 X4 620(no L3), both priced around 5400 rs appx, assuming grapics card remain the same and next possible processor change would be 2 years later.
Gfx card would be upgraded next year.

For games utilizing max 2 cores, the 550 BE leads all the way.
What would you guys suggest?
get 550be and then unlock the 2 cores and you have a quad core! also it definitely has the cpu core clock speed advantage!
sunny27 said:
get 550be and then unlock the 2 cores and you have a quad core! also it definitely has the cpu core clock speed advantage!

True, but it's either a hit or a miss. Don't think the seller would let us search in his shop for the right number :P
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