To Wonderland and Back :)

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Hi guys,

I guess you can figure out the fact that I am in a upright mood right now.... yea well I should be. I had a very narrow escape from a crippling 3 month downtime.... all because of a silly attempt at a silly ball on a silly volley ball court.

People find it hard to imagine how it could have possibly happened on a volley ball court. I mean, how the legs come in right (for the uninitiated, I twisted my leg almost 90degree to the normal position... leading to a lot of pain and complications.)

Well, basically what happened is I tried to take on a volley from the other side . Since my hands have a large reach (hint hint) I believed I could take the ball with one hand by jumping back a bit.... all was fine. I have done that a million times before.

Problem was, my collegue who was standing to my left also decided that he could take the ball. So what happened is that my left leg landed on his right foot, while the rest of my body continued with its original path of motion.

Because of my substantial large figure... the knee snapped. What was initially thought to be a severe ligament tear and damage turned out to be a 2 part fracture... one on the knee cap and one on the surface of the upper knee bone (technically on the power patella and the articular cartilage on the femur bone.)

Live images:

*The damaged part of the knee.... this damage and rupture had caused a lot of internal hemorrhage which had further caused the knee to become swollen to almost twice its size and also made it very stiff*

*The small fragment which had actually managed to separate itself from the patella (knee cap.)*

What is this wonderland all about?

Basically, I had this phobia for general anesthesia ever since childhood. Thankfully I had never undergone a operation before hence I didn't know how it felt... but I can tell you this.... it is not pretty. Well when they give you the anesthesia, you really don't feel much. They keep on asking you intriguing questions and you are asleep before you know it. But my dad tells me, that I was waving my hands around like a loon when I was waking up from the anesthesia... and he said that at one point... i clenched my fists and punched the wall with considerable force. Thank fully that didnt lead to any broken bones and "ligaments" otherwise it would have been some irony.

When you wake up from anesthesia, you are feeling so comfortable that some people refuse to snap out of it. It basically inhibits all kinds of stimuli to reach your brain... but gradually as you start feeling your world, you feel very depressed... I guess that was the reason for me to punch the wall out of the blue.

I refer to the state of being under anesthesia as my "wonderland."

Anyways, I was lucky enough to have friends like the ones I have and my family (my dad, my uncles, my mom, my cousins, my sisters and finally my girlfriend) that I recovered so fast from the trauma. Initially, just after the accident I was almost in tears (ok who am I lying to... I was crying.) because of the weight of the aftermath of the injury... I was scared that I would not be able to handle the pressure. But Here i am, just undergone a major anesthesia surgery and still up and about... posting in a tech forum BTW, Goku suggested that i get this done via Dr Anant Joshi (one of the best knee specialists in the world, he fixed Sachin up and now is BCCI's official doctor) ... and I guess my dad took the hint. He is a gem of a person but I owe it to my uncle for arranging a appointment with him. Normally the waiting period is over a month.

A tough period of careful and calculated physiotherapy lies ahead. I guess I can make it through that anyways....

Once again... thanks everyone
Hi! thr m8....

sorry abt the leg dude!

didnt know/notice that you have been missing all this while sorry abt that....

As for your knees, hope you are doing gud now.

Welll gtg gnite buddy!!
Congrats on the recovery mate! And here's wishing you a speedy complete recovery..Hope you're soon on that court again, spiking that ball with the same venom as before..

PS: Didn't know about this incident..Thought you were busy with [E] :ashamed:
Hey, get well soon..n get back to work, soldier..!!:D

Btw, talkin about tht wonderland, do u remember what was it a normal dream or something bigger or better ??Just curious..;)
oh my!

When did all this happen? :(

I had sprained my ankle once n it took almost 3-4 months to get back to normal. Hope n pray u get well soon mate!
Private Ryan said:
Hey, get well soon..n get back to work, soldier..!!:D

Btw, talkin about tht wonderland, do u remember what was it a normal dream or something bigger or better ??Just curious..;)

i remember fighting with someone very furiously... no clue when where how and the result :P (but i can guess the result tho)

TheMask said:
oh my!

When did all this happen? :(

I had sprained my ankle once n it took almost 3-4 months to get back to normal. Hope n pray u get well soon mate!

This happened Saturday 8:30 PM in Kantirava Stadium (did i spell it right?) Dr Joshi was amazed as how I managed to fracture my patella and femur cartilage but didn'd do damage to my ligaments and tendons. Ofcourse they are strained and worn out a bit... but they contacts are intact. Lucky escape i guess.
OMFG :eek:

i knew i was not seing Karan post at TE for sometime now, but i didnt knew this would happen,

get well soon bro, my bestestest wishes to u :)
Get well soon dude... I didn't know about this thats why the PM... Have a fast recovery... And high time to reduce fat :@
ouch :( that ought to have hurt a bit ...get well soon ! and get back to that volleyball court :P nothin like gettin back to full fitness :D
i know how it feels, I had a ligament twist (luckily no tear so no surgery) while playin football during the rains last year and I can still feel it sometimes even though it's been almost a year ... hope you have a speedy recover

That sounds and looks bad. Mine was a hundred times better.

Injuring your kneecap is one of the most painful things and worst of all, very very risky. It has to heal perfectly otherwise there will be problems in the future.

and abt the GA, I loved it...

I fought the effects of GA like anything the second and third time.

First time, I let myself go.... I didnt feel depressed or anything though.... my friends came to the hospital that day.

The second and third times, I fought it like a maniac. My sister recollects how I spoke to her through the haze of GA.

And I didnt try punching anything :P Of course, it was a different issue that one hand was broken and in a cast and the other was in bandages because of some flesh wounds and of course, the IV :P

Take care man. You have had one of the best doctors look after you. Now, just follow what he says. I am speaking from experience here (8 fractures :P ).

Have full faith in the doc and follow his instructions to the last letter. IF he says rest, take 100% rest. Dont try to prove that you can recover quickly or anything. I have seen my sister try that and it has failed.
OUCH!!! :O

OMG sorry to hear that dude..

hope you recover to 100% soon :)

My best wishes :)
get well soon mate. hope you have complete and fast recovery as knee problems are known notorious problems.

the effect you described about anaesthesia is perfectly narated, infact while operating on patients we encounter such things daily. sometime funny incidents happen. sometime we have to be extra carefull to control the movements of the patient.

and now a days anaesthesia has become so much safe and smooth you may not even know that you have undergone a major surgery, it looks like a ride in fairytale.
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